Microchip Graphics Library

Microchip Graphics Library
typedef struct {
  SHORT left;
  SHORT top;
  SHORT right;
  SHORT bottom;
  SHORT index;
  WORD state;
  BOOL update;
  WORD command;
  XCHAR * pKeyName;
  SHORT textWidth;
  SHORT textHeight;
  void * pNextKey;

Defines the parameters and the strings assigned for each key.

SHORT left; 
Left position of the key 
SHORT top; 
Top position of the key 
SHORT right; 
Right position of the key 
SHORT bottom; 
Bottom position of the key 
SHORT index; 
Index of the key in the list 
WORD state; 
State of the key. Either Pressed (TE_KEY_PRESSED) or Released (0) 
BOOL update; 
flag to indicate key is to be redrawn with the current state 
WORD command; 
Command of the key. Either TE_DELETE_COM, TE_SPACE_COM or TE_ENTER_COM
XCHAR * pKeyName; 
Pointer to the custom text assigned to the key. This is displayed over the face of the key. 
SHORT textWidth; 
Computed text width, done at creation. Used to predict size and position of text on the key face. 
SHORT textHeight; 
Computed text height, done at creation. Used to predict size and position of text on the key face. 
void * pNextKey; 
Pointer to the next key parameters. 
Microchip Graphics Library Version 3.06.02 - October 15, 2012
Copyright © 2012 Microchip Technology, Inc.  All rights reserved