BevelGradient Function

Microchip Graphics Library

Microchip Graphics Library
BevelGradient Function
WORD BevelGradient(
    SHORT left, 
    SHORT top, 
    SHORT right, 
    SHORT bottom, 
    SHORT rad, 
    GFX_COLOR color1, 
    GFX_COLOR color2, 
    DWORD length, 
    BYTE direction

This renders a filled bevel with gradient color on the fill. It works the same as the fillbevel function, except a gradient out of color1 and color2 is drawn depending on the direction (GFX_GRADIENT_TYPE). This function is a blocking call.


Input Parameters
Input Parameters 
SHORT left 
x coordinate position of the upper left center of the circle that draws the rounded corners. 
SHORT top 
y coordinate position of the upper left center of the circle that draws the rounded corners. 
SHORT right 
x coordinate position of the lower right center of the circle that draws the rounded corners. 
SHORT bottom 
y coordinate position of the lower right center of the circle that draws the rounded corners. 
SHORT rad 
defines the redius of the circle, that draws the rounded corners. When rad = 0, the object drawn is a rectangular gradient. 
GFX_COLOR color1 
start color for the gradient 
GFX_COLOR color2 
end color for the gradient 
DWORD length 
From 0-100%. How much of a gradient is wanted 
BYTE direction 

Always returns a 1 since it is a blocking function.


USE_GRADIENT macro must be defined (in GraphicsConfig.h)

Side Effects


Microchip Graphics Library Version 3.06.02 - October 15, 2012
Copyright © 2012 Microchip Technology, Inc.  All rights reserved