ChCreate Function

Microchip Graphics Library

Microchip Graphics Library
ChCreate Function
CHART * ChCreate(
    WORD ID, 
    SHORT left, 
    SHORT top, 
    SHORT right, 
    SHORT bottom, 
    WORD state, 
    DATASERIES * pData, 
    CHARTPARAM * pParam, 
    GOL_SCHEME * pScheme

This function creates a CHART object with the parameters given. It automatically attaches the new object into a global linked list of objects and returns the address of the object.

Input Parameters
Input Parameters 
Unique user defined ID for the object instance. 
SHORT left 
Left most position of the object. 
SHORT top 
Top most position of the object. 
SHORT right 
Right most position of the object. 
SHORT bottom 
Bottom most position of the object. 
WORD state 
Sets the initial state of the object. 
Pointer to the data for the contents of the chart. NULL can be assigned initially when creating the object. 
Pointer to the chart parameters. NULL can be assigned initially when creating the object and the chart parameters can be populated using the API provided. 
GOL_SCHEME * pScheme 
Pointer to the style scheme used. When set to NULL, the default style scheme will be used. 

Returns the pointer to the object created.



Side Effects


extern const FONT_FLASH GOLSmallFont;
extern const FONT_FLASH GOLMediumFont;      

// Note that strings are declared as such to cover cases 
// where XCHAR type is declared as short (2 bytes).
XCHAR ChTitle[]     = {'E','x','a','m','p','l','e',0};
XCHAR SampleName[]  = {'C','a','t','e','g','o','r','y',0};
XCHAR ValueName[]   = {'#','H','i','t','s',0};
XCHAR SeriesName[2] = {
V1Data[2] = { 50, 100};
V2Data[2] = { 5,  10};

GOL_SCHEME  *pScheme;
CHART       *pChart;
CHARTPARAM   Contents;
WORD         state;

    pScheme = GOLCreateScheme();
    state = CH_BAR|CH_DRAW|CH_BAR_HOR;  // Bar Chart to be drawn with horizontal orientation

    pChart = ChCreate(0x01,                         // ID 
                      0, 0,                         // dimensions
                      state,                        // state of the chart
                      NULL,                         // data not initialized yet
                      NULL,                         // no parameters yet
                      pScheme);                     // style scheme used

    if (pMyChart == NULL)                           // check if chart was allocated memory
        return 0;

    ChSetTitleFont(pChart, (void*)&GOLMediumFont);
    ChSetTitle(pChart, ChTitle);                    // set the title
    // set the grid labels and axis labels font 
    ChSetGridLabelFont(pChart, (void*)&GOLSmallFont);
    ChSetAxisLabelFont(pChart, (void*)&GOLSmallFont);
    // set the labels for the X and Y axis
    ChSetSampleLabel(pChart, (XCHAR*)SampleName);
    ChSetValueLabel(pChart, (XCHAR*)ValueName);
    ChAddDataSeries(pChart, 2, V1Data, (XCHAR*)SeriesName[0]); 
    ChAddDataSeries(pChart, 2, V2Data, (XCHAR*)SeriesName[1]);

    // set the range of the sample values
    ChSetValueRange(pChart, 0, 100);

    // show all two samples to be displayed (start = 1, end = 2)
    ChSetSampleRange(pChart, 1, 2);     
    GOLDraw();                                      // draw the chart
Microchip Graphics Library Version 3.06.02 - October 15, 2012
Copyright © 2012 Microchip Technology, Inc.  All rights reserved