
Land Auto


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A The spiral's A value.

Active Specifies if the projects is currently loaded.

ActiveDocument Specifies the active document (drawing file).

ActiveProject Specifies the currently opened Land Desktop project

AD1 Returns AD1 which is the radius at the end of the spiral (SC).

AD2 Returns AD2 which is the radius at the start of the spiral (TS).

AlignEntities The alignment's entities collection.

Alignment The collection of alignment preferences for the project.

Alignments Gets the Alignments collection.

AngularAzimuth The format used to display angles.

AngularDisplayFormat The units used to display angles.

AngularPrecision Specifies the angular precision for the drawing.

Application Gets the AeccApplication object.

Area The area of the parcel.

Area2D The 2D area of a Surface or Face.

Area3D The 3D area of a Surface or Face.

AreaDisplayUnit The units used to display areas.

AreaPrecision The precision used to display areas.

AreaSuffix The suffix displayed after an area.

Application Gets the AeccApplication object.

Author Specifies the author of the project.

AutoSave Returns and sets the AutoSave for Alignments, CogoPoints, DescriptionKeyFiles, and PointGroups.

AverageGrade Returns the BreakLines collection.


BasePoint Gets and sets the base point for the drawing as an XYZ.

BasePointNE Gets and sets the base point for the drawing as an ENZ.

BeginCondition Returns the BeginCondition for the Spiral.

BorderBlockFileName Specifies the block filename to insert as a border.

BorderBottomMargin Specifies the bottom margin for the border.

BorderLeftMargin Specifies the left margin for the border.

BorderLineWidth Specifies the line width of the border.

BorderPath Specifies the directory in which the border files are located.

BorderRightMargin Specifies the right margin for the border.

BorderStyle Specifies the border style to use for the drawing.

BorderTopMargin Specifies the top margin for the border.

Boundaries Returns the Boundaries collection.

Boundary Returns the boundary of the Watershed.

BreakLines Returns the BreakLines collection.


CCWFlag The counter-clockwise flag for the curve or parcel.

CenterEasting The Easting coordinate for the alignment curves or parcel curves center.

CenterlineOffset (Civil Engineering Feature) Returns the centerline offset of the cross section.

CenterNorthing The Northing coordinate for the alignment curves or parcel curves center.

CentroidEasting The easting coordinate of the parcel centroid.

CentroidNorthing The northing coordinate of the parcel centroid.

ChordDirection The direction of the chord for the curve.

ChordLength The chord length of the alignment or parcel curve.

CivilDataFilesPath Specifies the directory in which the Civil Engineering Feature data is located.

Code Returns the cross section point code or description key code.

Cogo The collection of cogo preferences for the project.

CogoPoints Gets the CogoPoints collection.

ContourItems Returns the ContourItems collection.

ContourStyle Returns and set the Contour Style object for this contour.

ContourStyleName Returns the Contour Style name.

ContourStylesPath Specifies the directory in which the contour styles are located.

CoordinatePrecision Specifies the coordinate precision for the drawing.

Coordinates The coordinate properties for various objects.

CoordinateZone Specifies the coordinate zone.

Count Gets the number of items in the collection.

Course Returns the Course of the parcel entity.

CourseIn Returns the Course In of the Parcel.

CourseOut Returns the Course Out of the Parcel.

CrossSection (Civil Engineering Feature) The collection of cross section preferences for the project.

CrossSectionBlocks (Civil Engineering Feature) Gets the CrossSectionBlock object.

CrossSectionPointCodes (Civil Engineering Feature) Returns the cross sections point code collection.

CrossSections (Civil Engineering Feature) Returns the alignment cross sections collection.

CrossSectionSurfaces (Civil Engineering Feature) Returns the cross sections surfaces collection.

CurrentAlignment Sets and gets the current alignment.

CurrentSurface Gets / sets the current Surface.

CurveCode (Civil Engineering Feature) Returns the superelevation curve code.

CurveLabelIncrement (Civil Engineering Feature) Returns the distance between vertical curve elevation labels.

CurveLength (Civil Engineering Feature) Returns the Curve Length of the PVI.


DatabaseScale Specifies the database scale at which the horizontal axis of the drawing is displayed.

DataPath Specifies the directory in which the Land Desktop data files are installed.

DatumElevation (Civil Engineering Feature) Returns the datum elevation for the alignment profile or cross section.

Delta The delta value for a AlignCurve, AlignSpiral, or ParcelCurve.

DEMFiles Returns the DEMFiles collection.

Description The description properties for various objects.

DescriptionFormat Specifies the description key format.

DescriptionKeyFiles Gets the DescriptionKeyFiles collection.

DescriptionLayer Specifies the description key layer.

DescriptionOverride Specifies if the description for the project database point will be overridden from the Point Group.

DescriptionXDRef Specifies the description override for the project database point group.

Direction The Direction of the ProfileBlock or alignment tangent.

Documents Gets the Document collection.

DrainsInto Returns an array of Ids that the Watershed drains into.

DrawingPath Specifies the drawing path of the project.

Drawings Gets the Drawings collection.

DrawingSetupPath Specifies the directory in which the drawing setup files are located.


Easting The Easting coordinates properties for various objects.

Edges Returns the Edges collection.

EGPrecision (Civil Engineering Feature) Returns the existing ground precision for the alignment profile or cross section.

EGProfiles (Civil Engineering Feature) Gets the existiing ground profiles collection.

Elevation The elevation property for various objects.

ElevationContours Returns the ElevationContours collection.

ElevationOverride Specifies if the elevation for the project database point will be overridden from the Point Group.

ElevationPrecision Specifies the elevation precision for the drawing.

ElevationXDRef Specifies the elevation override for the project database point group.

EndDirection The ending direction of the curve.

EndEasting The Easting coordinate for the end of the individual object entities.

EndingStation The object's ending station.

EndNorthing The Northing coordinate for the end of the individual object entity.

ExceedBoth If true, then both minimum depression settings must be met.

ExtEasting The Easting coordinate for the External point (Ext).

ExternalSecant The external secant length for the curve.

ExtNorthing The Northing coordinate for the External point (Ext).


Faces Returns the Faces collection.

FacetDeviation Gets and sets the facet deviation.

FGPrecision(Civil Engineering Feature) Returns the finished ground precision for the alignment profile or cross section.

FGProfiles (Civil Engineering Feature) Gets the FGProfiles collection.

File The filename of the file lock.

FileLocks Gets the FileLocks collection.

Files Gets the PreferencesFiles object.

FirstTimeDrawingSetup Selects how new drawings are setup.

FirstTimeDrawingSetupFile The drawing setup file loaded automatically for a new drawing.

Format The format for the PointFile.

FormatsPath Specifies the directory in which the point import and export formats are located.

FullDescription Returns the full description for the Cogo Point.

FullName The full name includes the path and file name.


GridEasting The grid Easting for the COGO project database point.

GridNorthing The grid Northing for the COGO project database point.

GroupName Gets / sets the group name for various objects.


Height (Civil Engineering Feature) Returns the height of the alignment cross section.

HelpPath Specifies the directory in which the help files are installed.


Id The identification number for the Boundary, BreakLine,ContourItem or Watershed.

Inputs Returns the SurfaceInputs object for the surface.

IsBreakLine Is the Boundary considered a BreakLine?

IsNameSupported Returns whether point names are supported or not.

IsVisible Returns if the Face is visible.



K The spiral's K value.

Keywords Specifies the keywords for the project.


Label The name of the locked data file or folder.

LabelPoints Returns the contour label points.

LabelStyle Specifies the label style override for the project database point group.

LabelStyleOverride Specifies if the label style for the project database point will be overridden from the Point Group.

LabelStylePath Specifies the directory in which the line, curve, spiral and point label style files are located.

LabelStyleXDRef Specifies the label style override for the project database point group.

LastUsedDwg The last used drawing.

LastUsedDwgPath The last used drawing path.

LastUsedProj The last used project.

LastUsedProjPath The last used project path.

Latitude The latitude of the point.

LayerFile The layer file to apply to the drawing.

LayerStandard The layer standard to apply to the drawing.

LeftWidth (Civil Engineering Feature) Returns the left width of the alignment cross section.

Length The length of the alignment curve, spiral or tangent or parcel curve or line.

LExt Returns the external length of the spiral.

LinearDisplayUnit The format used to display linear values.

LinearPrecision Specifies the linear precision for the drawing.

LinearUnit The unit used to display linear values.

LockedPointNumbers Returns a list of the locked points in the current project point database.

LockType Specifies the type of lock on the Alignment, COGO Point, or Surface.

LOffset The offset distance for the spiral.

Longitude The longitude of the point.


MaskBlockStyles Gets the Masking Block Styles collection for the drawing.

MassGroups Gets the MassGroups collection for the drawing.

MaxElevation Returns the Maximum Elevation of a Cross Section or Surface.

MaxFaceArea The area of the largest Face for the Surface.

MaxGrade The maximum grade for the Surface.

MaxOffset (Civil Engineering Feature) Returns the Maximum Offset of the Cross Section.

MeanElevation The mean elevation of the Surface.

MeausurementUnit The system of units used to display measurements.

MidOrdinate The mid ordinate for the curve.

MinDepressionArea The minimum depression area for all watersheds.

MinDepressionDepth The minimum depression depth for all watersheds.

MinElevation Returns the Minimum Elevation of a Cross Section or Surface.

MinFaceArea The area of the smallest Face for the Surface.

MinGrade The minimum grade for the Surface.

MinOffset (Civil Engineering Feature) Returns the Minimum Offset of the Cross Section.

MVBlockStyles Gets the Multiview Block Styles collection for the drawing.


Name Gets the name of various objects.

NameOverride Specifies if the name for the project database point will be overridden from the Point Group.

NameXDRef Specifies the Name override for the project database point group. The name will be taken from the external database reference (XDRef).

NextPointNumber Gets / sets the next sequential point number for point creation.

Normal Returns the Normal for the Face.

Northing Gets the Northing coordinates of various objects.

NorthRotation Specifies the north rotation for your drawing layout.

Number The number property for various objects.

NumberOfFaces The number of Faces for the Surface.

NumberOfPoints The number of TinPoints for the Surface.


ObjectID Returns the Object ID for the entity.

Offset (Civil Engineering Feature) Returns the cross section point code offset.

OffsetElevations (Civil Engineering Feature) Returns the cross section surface offset and elevations.

Outputs Returns the SurfaceOutputs object for the surface.

OverflowPoints Returns the WaterShed overflow points.

OverrideDescription Returns the description that has been overridden by the PointGroup.

OverrideElevation Returns the elevation that has been overridden by the PointGroup.

OverrideName Returns the point name that has been overridden by the PointGroup.

OverrideNew Toggles the display of the Land Desktop New dialog box.

OverrideOpen Toggles the display of the Land Desktop Open dialog box.

Owner The owner (AutoCAD login name) of the lock owner.


P The spiral's P value.

Parcel The collection of parcel preferences for the project.

ParcelEntities The collection of geometric entities for the Parcel.

Parcels Gets the Parcels collection.

Path Gets the path of various objects.

PerimeterThe perimeter of the parcel.

PiEasting The Easting coordinate for the curve's PI.

PiNorthing The Northing coordinate for the curve's PI.

PointFiles Returns the point files collection.

PointGroupNames Returns the PointGroupNames collection.

PointGroups Gets the PointGroups collection.

PointList Specifies the list of project database points for the point group.

PointNameSize Returns maximum number of characters supported in point name.

PointOnlineTolerance Returns the minimum distance between a line and a point not on the line.

PointTolerance Returns the minimum distance between distinct points.

Precision The precision used to truncate area labels when a Parcel is imported to the drawing.

Preferences The preferences property of various objects.

PreferencesPath Specifies the directory in which the preference settings are located.

Profile Gets the vertical profile settings for the project.

ProfileBlocks (Civil Engineering Feature) Gets the ProfileBlocks object.

ProfileStyles Gets the ProfileStyles collection for the drawing.

ProgramPath Specifies the directory in which the Land Desktop is installed.

ProjectName The name of the project that the drawing belongs to.

ProjectPath Gets the project path of various objects.

Projects Gets the Projects collection.

PrototypeName Specifies the name of the prototype used for the project.

PrototypePath Specifies the directory in which the project prototype files are located.

Prototypes Gets the Prototypes collection.

PVIs Gets the PVIs collection.



RadialDistance The radial distance of the spiral.

Radius The radius of the alignment or parcel curve.

RawDescription The raw description for the COGO project database point.

RevisionNumber The revision number for the Surface.

RightWidth (Civil Engineering Feature) Returns the right width of the alignment cross section.

RotateByDescriptionParam If TRUE, only the RotateDescriptionParam is rotated.

RotateByFixedFactor If TRUE, rotate by the RotateFactor.

RotateClockwise The rotation direction.

RotateDescriptionParam The description parameter for rotation.

RotateFixedFactor The rotation factor.


ScaleByDescriptionParam If TRUE, only the ScaleDescriptionParam is scaled.

ScaleByDrawingScale If TRUE, the drawing scale factor is applied.

ScaleByFixedFactor If TRUE, the fixed scale factor ScaleFactor is applied.

ScaleDescriptionParam The description parameter for scaling.

ScaleFixedFactor The fixed scale factor.

ScaleInXY If TRUE, the symbol is scaled in the XY plane

ScaleInZ If TRUE, the symbol is scaled in the Z axis.

ScaleOnInsert Specifies whether objects are automatically scaled when inserted into the drawing.

SearchType Returns how the Faces collection was generated.

SheetHeight Specifies the height of the sheet.

SheetWidth Specifies the width of the sheet.

ShortTangent Returns the short tangent length for compound and simple spirals.

ShowStartupDialog Toggles the display of the startup dialog.

ShowSubfolders Determines whether drawings in subfolders are included.

SpeedTablesPath Specifies the directory in which the speed tables are located.

SpiEasting The Easting coordinate for the spi point.

SpilTangent Returns the long tangent length.

SpiNorthing The Northing coordinate for the spi point.

SpiralType1 Returns the calculation method of the spiral.

SpiralType2 Returns whether the spiral is a simple, offset, or compound spiral.

StartDirection The starting direction of the curve or spiral.

StartEasting The Easting coordinate for the beginning of the individual alignment or profile entities.

StartingStation The object's starting station.

StartNorthing The Northing coordinate for the beginning of the individual alignment or profile entities.

Station (Civil Engineering Feature) Returns the station for the cross section, cross section block, superelevation, or PVI.

StationAhead The ahead station for the station equation.

StationBack The back station for the station equation.

StationElevations (Civil Engineering Feature) An array of stations and elevations for the VerticalSurface

StationEquations The alignment's station equations collection.

StationIncrement (Civil Engineering Feature) Returns the horizontal distance between vertical grid lines.

Status The status for a surface.

SuperelevationCode (Civil Engineering Feature) Returns the superelevation code.

Surface The collection of surface preferences for the project.

SurfaceName (Civil Engineering Feature) The name of the EGProfile surface.

Surfaces Gets the Surfaces collection.

SymbolBlock Specifies the symbol block.

SymbolLayer Specifies the symbol block layer.

SymbolManagerPath Specifies the directory in which the symbol sets are located.

SystemPath Specifies the directory in which the Land Desktop is installed.


TangentLabelIncrement (Civil Engineering Feature) Returns the distance between tangent elevation labels.

TangentLength The tangent length of the curve.

TempPath Specifies the directory in which the temporary files are stored.

TextAbove The text above the object.

TextBelow The text below the object.

TextHeight The height of the text in the drawing.

TextOffsetAbove The offset of the text above the object.

TextOffsetBelow The offset of the text below the object.

TextSize The size of the text above and below the object.

ThetaExt Returns the external theta for a compound spiral.

Time The lock creation date and time.

TinPoints Returns the TinPoints collection.

TotalX The total X value for the spiral.

TotalY The total Y value for the spiral.

Type The type properties for Objects.


UpperRight Returns the Upper Right Coordinates of the ProfileBlock as XY.

UsedPointNumbers Returns the list of used point numbers in the current project database.

User Gets the PreferencesUser object.

Utility Gets the Utility object.


VerticalScale Specifies the scale at which the vertical axis of the drawing is displayed, or the vertical scale for alignment profiles and cross sections.

Volume The volume of the surface.

VolumeDisplayUnit The units used to display volumes.

VolumePrecision The precision used to display volumes.

VolumeSuffix The suffix displayed after an volume.


WaterSheds Returns the WaterSheds collection.