Delete Example

Land Auto

Delete Example


l Alignments

l Boundaries

l BreakLines

l CogoPoints

l ContourItems

l DEMFiles

l DescriptionKeyFile

l DescriptionKeyFiles

l EGProfiles (Civil Engineering Feature)

l FGProfiles (Civil Engineering Feature)

l Parcels

l PointFiles

l PointGroupNames

l PointGroups

l Projects

l Prototypes

l PVIs (Civil Engineering Feature)

l StationEquations

l Surfaces

Sub Example_Delete_Alignments()
    ' This example deletes an Alignment from the Alignments Collection
    Dim aligns As AeccAlignments
    Set aligns = AeccApplication.ActiveProject.Alignments
    ' Show the number of alignments in the project
    MsgBox "The initial Count of Alignments is: " & aligns.Count, vbInformation, "Delete Example"
    ' Add an Alignment named New Alignment and starting at Station 2000
    aligns.Add "New Alignment", 2000
    ' Show the number of alignments in the project
    MsgBox "The Count of Alignments after Add is: " & aligns.Count, vbInformation, "Delete Example"
    ' Deletes the Alignment named New Alignment
    aligns.Delete "New Alignment"
    ' Show the number of alignments in the project
    MsgBox "The Count of Alignments after Delete is: " & aligns.Count, vbInformation, "Delete Example"
End Sub

Sub Example_Delete_Boundaries()
    ' This example starts by displays the initial count of the Boundaries
    ' for the first surface in the collection. A new visible Boundary is added
    ' and the count is redisplays. Finally, the new Boundary is deleted. The count is
    ' displayed again, showing the deletion.
    Dim surf As AeccSurface
    Dim bounds As AeccBoundaries
    Dim Bound As AeccBoundary
    Set surf = AeccApplication.ActiveProject.Surfaces.Item(0)
    Set bounds = surf.Inputs.Boundaries
    MsgBox "The Boundaries Count is: " & bounds.count, vbInformation, "Delete Example"
    ' Initialize variables
    Dim pnts(0 To 14) As Double
    Dim count As Integer
    Dim index As Integer
    Dim pnt As Variant
    index = 0
    ' Add a new Boundary based on five selected points
    For count = 1 To 5
        pnt = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetPoint(, "Select point" + Str(count) + " of Boundary: ")
        pnts(index) = pnt(0): pnts(index + 1) = pnt(1): pnts(index + 2) = pnt(2)
        index = index + 3
    Next count
    ' Add a new Boundary
    Set Bound = bounds.Add(kBoundaryTypeShow, False, pnts, "NewBoundary")
    MsgBox "The BreakLines Count after the add is: " & bounds.count, vbInformation, "Delete Example"
    ' Delete the new Boundary
    bounds.Delete Bound.Id
    MsgBox "The Boundaries Count after the delete is " & bounds.count, vbInformation, "Delete Example"
End Sub

Sub Example_Delete_BreakLines()
    ' This example starts by displays the initial count of the BreakLines
    ' for the first surface in the collection. A new BreakLines is added
    ' and the count is redisplays. Finally, the new file is deleted. The count is
    ' displayed again, showing the deletion.
    Dim surf As AeccSurface
    Dim brkLines As AeccBreakLines
    Dim brkLine As AeccBreakLine
    Set surf = AeccApplication.ActiveProject.Surfaces.Item(0)
    Set brkLines = surf.Inputs.BreakLines
    MsgBox "The BreakLines Count is: " & brkLines.count, vbInformation, "Delete Example"
    ' Initialize variables
    Dim pnts(0 To 14) As Double
    Dim count As Integer
    Dim index As Integer
    Dim pnt As Variant
    index = 0
    ' Add a new BreakLine based on five selected points
    For count = 1 To 5
        pnt = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetPoint(, "Select point" + Str(count) + " of BreakLine: ")
        pnts(index) = pnt(0): pnts(index + 1) = pnt(1): pnts(index + 2) = pnt(2)
        index = index + 3
    Next count
    Set brkLine = brkLines.Add(pnts, "NewBreakLine")
    MsgBox "The BreakLines Count after the add is: " & brkLines.count, vbInformation, "Delete Example"
    ' Delete the new BreakLines
    brkLines.Delete brkLine.Id
    MsgBox "The BreakLines Count after the delete is " & brkLines.count, vbInformation, "Delete Example"
End Sub

Sub Example_Delete_CogoPoints()
    ' This examples displays the used point numbers, deletes a point number
    ' and the displays the used point numbers again to confirm the deletion.
    Dim cogoPnts As AeccCogoPoints
    Set cogoPnts = AeccApplication.ActiveProject.CogoPoints
    MsgBox "Used point numbers are " & cogoPnts.UsedPointNumbers, _
    vbInformation, "Delete Example"
    ' Get a point number
    Dim pntNum As Long
    pntNum = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetReal("Enter a valid point number : ")
    pntNum = Fix(pntNum)
    ' Delete the CogoPoint
    cogoPnts.Delete pntNum
    MsgBox "Used point numbers are " & cogoPnts.UsedPointNumbers, _
        vbInformation, "Delete Example"
End Sub

Sub Example_Delete_ContourItems()
    ' This example Deletes the ContourItem with ID equal to one (1)
    ' from the first collection of ContourItems.
    Dim surf As AeccSurface
    Dim conts As AeccContourItems
    Set surf = AeccApplication.ActiveProject.Surfaces.Item(0)
    Set conts = surf.Inputs.ContourItems
    ' Display the number of ContourItems in the collection before the delete
    MsgBox "The number of ContourItems in the collection is: " & conts.Count, _
    vbInformation, "Delete Example"
    ' Delete ContourItem with ID equal to one.
    conts.Delete 1
    ' Display the number of ContourItems in the collection after the delete
    MsgBox "The number of ContourItems in the collection is: " & conts.Count, _
        vbInformation, "Delete Example"
End Sub

Sub Example_Delete_DEMFiles()
    ' This example starts by displays the initial count of DEMFiles
    ' for the first surface. A new DEMfile is added and the count is redisplays.
    ' Finally, the new file is deleted. The count is displayed again, showing
    ' the deletion.
    Dim surf As AeccSurface
    Dim DEMFiles As AeccDEMFiles
    Set surf = AeccApplication.ActiveProject.Surfaces.Item(0)
    Set DEMFiles = surf.Inputs.DEMFiles
    MsgBox "The DEMFiles Count is: " & DEMFiles.Count, vbInformation, "Delete Example"
    'Get the DEMFile name and format the prompt
    Dim DEMName As String
    Dim prompt As String
    prompt = "Enter the name of the DEMFile for surface " & surf.Name & ": "
    DEMName = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetString(False, prompt)
    ' Add a new DEMFile
    DEMFiles.Add DEMName
    MsgBox "The DEMFiles Count after the add is: " & DEMFiles.Count, vbInformation, "Delete Example"
    ' Delete the new DEMFile
    DEMFiles.Delete DEMName
    MsgBox "The DEMFiles Count after the delete is " & DEMFiles.Count, vbInformation, "Delete Example"
End Sub

Sub Example_Delete_DescriptionKeyFile()
    ' This example starts by displays the initial count of DescriptionKeys
    ' in the DEFAULT DescriptionKey file. A new DescriptionKey is added
    ' and the count is redisplays. Finally, the new key is deleted. The
    ' count is displayed again, showing the deletion.
    Dim dkeyFile As AeccDescriptionKeyFile
    Set dkeyFile = AeccApplication.ActiveProject.DescriptionKeyFiles.Item("DEFAULT")
    MsgBox "The DescriptionKey Count is " & dkeyFile.count, vbInformation, "Delete Example"
    ' Add a new DescriptionKey
    dkeyFile.Add "New"
    MsgBox "The DescriptionKey Count is " & dkeyFile.count, vbInformation, "Delete Example"
    ' Delete the new DescriptionKey
    dkeyFile.Delete "New"
    MsgBox "The DescriptionKey Count is " & dkeyFile.count, vbInformation, "Delete Example"
End Sub

Sub Example_Delete_DescriptionKeyFiles()
    ' This example starts by displays the initial count of DescriptionKeyFiles
    ' on the system. A new DescriptionKeyFile is added and the count is redisplays.
    ' Finally, the new file is deleted. The count is displayed again, showing
    ' the deletion.
    Dim dKeyFiles As AeccDescriptionKeyFiles
    Set dKeyFiles = AeccApplication.ActiveProject.DescriptionKeyFiles
    MsgBox "The DescriptionKeyFiles Count is " & dKeyFiles.count, vbInformation, "Delete Example"
    ' Add a new DescriptionKeyFile
    dKeyFiles.Add "NewFile"
    MsgBox "The DescriptionKeyFiles Count is " & dKeyFiles.count, vbInformation, "Delete Example"
    ' Delete the new DescriptionKeyFile
    dKeyFiles.Delete "NewFile"
    MsgBox "The DescriptionKeyFiles Count is " & dKeyFiles.count, vbInformation, "Delete Example"
End Sub

Sub Example_Delete_EGProfiles()
    ' This example deletes the first existing ground profile
    ' in the first alignment in the collection.
    Dim align As AeccAlignment
    Dim EGProf As AeccEGProfile
    Set align = AeccApplication.ActiveProject.Alignments.Item(0)
    Set EGProf = align.EGProfiles.Item(0)
    MsgBox "The number of existing ground profiles in the first alignment is: " _
        & align.EGProfiles.Count, vbInformation, "Delete Example"
    Dim surfName As String
    Dim offset As Integer
    surfName = EGProf.SurfaceName
    offset = EGProf.Type
    ' Delete the profile
    align.EGProfiles.Delete offset, surfName
    MsgBox "The number of existing ground profiles in the first alignment is: " _
        & align.EGProfiles.Count, vbInformation, "Delete Example"
End Sub

Sub Example_Delete_FGProfiles()
    ' This example deletes the first finished ground profile
    ' in the first alignment in the collection.
    Dim align As AeccAlignment
    Dim FGProf As AeccFGProfile
    Set align = AeccApplication.ActiveProject.Alignments.Item(0)
    Set FGProf = align.FGProfiles.Item(0)
    MsgBox "The number of finished ground profiles in the first alignment is: " _
        & align.fGProfiles.Count, vbInformation, "Delete Example"
    Dim offset As Integer
    offset = FGProf.Type
    ' Delete the profile
    align.FGProfiles.Delete offset
    MsgBox "The number of finished ground profiles in the first alignment is: " _
        & align.FGProfiles.Count, vbInformation, "Delete Example"
End Sub

Sub Example_Delete_Parcels()
    ' This example starts by displaying the initial count of Parcels
    ' A new Parcel is added and the count is redisplayed. Finally,
    ' the new Parcel is deleted. The count is displayed again, showing
    ' the deletion.
    Dim parcels As AeccParcels
    Set parcels = AeccApplication.ActiveProject.Parcels
    MsgBox "The Parcel Count is: " & parcels.Count, vbInformation, "Add Example"
    ' Add a new Parcel
    parcels.Add "NewParcel"
    MsgBox "The Parcel Count is: " & parcels.Count, vbInformation, "Add Example"
    ' Delete the new Parcel
    parcels.Delete "NewParcel"
    MsgBox "The Parcel Count is: " & parcels.Count, vbInformation, "Add Example"
End Sub

Sub Example_Delete_PointFiles()
    ' This example starts by displays the initial count of PointFiles
    ' on the system. A new Pointfile is added and the count is redisplays.
    ' Finally, the new file is deleted. The count is displayed again, showing
    ' the deletion.
    Dim surf As AeccSurface
    Dim pntFiles As AeccPointFiles
    Set surf = AeccApplication.ActiveProject.Surfaces.Item(0)
    Set pntFiles = surf.Inputs.PointFiles
    MsgBox "The PointFiles Count is: " & pntFiles.Count, vbInformation, "Delete Example"
    ' Add a new PointFile
    pntFiles.Add "NewPointFile"
    MsgBox "The PointFiles Count after the add is: " & pntFiles.Count, vbInformation, "Delete Example"
    ' Delete the new PointFile
    pntFiles.Delete "NewPointFile"
    MsgBox "The PointFiles Count after the delete is " & pntFiles.Count, vbInformation, "Delete Example"
End Sub

Sub Example_Delete_PointGroupNames()
    ' This example starts by displays the initial count of the PointGroupNames
    ' for the first surface in the collection. A new PointGroupName is added
    ' and the count is redisplays. Finally, the new file is deleted. The count is
    ' displayed again, showing the deletion.
    Dim surf As AeccSurface
    Dim pntGrpNames As AeccPointGroupNames
    Set surf = AeccApplication.ActiveProject.Surfaces.Item(0)
    Set pntGrpNames = surf.Inputs.PointGroupNames
    MsgBox "The PointGroupNames Count is: " & pntGrpNames.Count, vbInformation, "Delete Example"
    ' Add a new PointGroupName
    pntGrpNames.Add "NewPointGroupName"
    MsgBox "The PointGroupNames Count after the add is: " & pntGrpNames.Count, vbInformation, "Delete Example"
    ' Delete the new PointGroupName
    pntGrpNames.Delete "NewPointGroupName"
    MsgBox "The PointGroupNames Count after the delete is " & pntGrpNames.Count, vbInformation, "Delete Example"
End Sub

Sub Example_Delete_Projects()
    ' This example creates a new project named "New Project" and then
    ' deletes the project. A project count is displayed during the process.
    Dim projs As AeccProjects
    Set projs = AeccApplication.Projects
    ' Show the number of projects
    MsgBox "The initial Count of Projects is: " & projs.Count, vbInformation, "Delete Example"
    projs.Add "New Project", "Default (Feet)"
    ' Show the number of projects after the Add
    MsgBox "The Count of Projects after Add is: " & projs.Count, vbInformation, "Delete Example"
    projs.Delete "New Project"
    ' Show the number of projects after the Delete
    MsgBox "The Count of Projects after Delete is: " & projs.Count, vbInformation, "Delete Example"
End Sub

Sub Example_Delete_Prototypes()
    ' This example deletes the first prototype in the collection.
    Dim prots As AeccPrototypes
    Dim prot As AeccPrototype
    Set prots = AeccApplication.Prototypes
    Set prot = prots.Item(0)
    ' Get the source prototype names
    Dim source As String
    source = prot.Name
    ' Delete the prototype
    prots.Delete source
    MsgBox "The deleted prototype was named: " & source, vbInformation, "Delete Example"
End Sub

Sub Example_Delete_PointGroups()
    ' This example adds and deletes a PointGroup from the PoinGroups Collection.
    Dim pntGrps As AeccPointGroups
    Set pntGrps = AeccApplication.ActiveProject.PointGroups
    ' Show the number of PointGroups in the project
    MsgBox "The initial Count of PointGroups is: " & pntGrps.Count, vbInformation, "Delete Example"
    ' Add PointGroup
    pntGrps.Add "New Group", "1-100"
    ' Show the number of PointGroups in the project after the Add
    MsgBox "The Count of PointGroups is: " & pntGrps.Count, vbInformation, "Delete Example"
    ' Deletes the PointGroup named "New Group"
    pntGrps.Delete "New Group"
    ' Show the number of PointGroups in the project after the Delete
    MsgBox "The Count of PointGroups is: " & pntGrps.Count, vbInformation, "Delete Example"
End Sub

Sub Example_Delete_PVIs()
    ' This example deletes the second PVI in the first finished
    ' ground profile of the first alignment in the collection.
    Dim align As AeccAlignment
    Dim FGProf As AeccFGProfile
    Dim PVI As AeccPVI
    Set align = AeccApplication.ActiveProject.Alignments.Item(0)
    Set FGProf = align.FGProfiles.Item(0)
    Set PVI = FGProf.PVIs.Item(1)
    MsgBox "The number of PVIs in the finished ground profile is: " _
        & FGProf.PVIs.Count, vbInformation, "Delete Example"
    ' Get the station and the elevation
    Dim station As Double
    station = PVI.station
    ' Delete the second PVI
    FGProf.PVIs.Delete station
    MsgBox "The number of PVIs in the finished ground profile is: " _
        & FGProf.PVIs.Count, vbInformation, "Delete Example"
End Sub

Sub Example_Delete_StationEquations()
    ' This example deletes the first StationEquations from
    ' the first alignment in the collection.
    Dim aligns As AeccAlignments
    Dim align As AeccAlignment
    Set aligns = AeccApplication.ActiveProject.Alignments
    ' Get the first alignment
    Set align = aligns.Item(0)
    ' Set the first alignment current.
    aligns.CurrentAlignment = align.Name
    Dim staEqus As AeccStationEquations
    Set staEqus = align.StationEquations
    ' Show the StationEquation count for the first alignment before the delete
    MsgBox "The StationEquation count for the first alignment is: " & staEqus.count, _
    vbInformation, "Delete Example"
    ' Delete the first StationEquation
    ' Show the StationEquation count for the first alignment after the delete
    MsgBox "The StationEquation count for the first alignment is: " & staEqus.count, _
    vbInformation, "Delete Example"
End Sub

Sub Example_Delete_Surfaces()
    ' This example deletes the first surface from the collection.
    Dim surfs As AeccSurfaces
    Dim surf As AeccSurface
    Set surfs = AeccApplication.ActiveProject.Surfaces
    Set surf = surfs.Item(0)
    ' Get the name of the first surface in the collection
    Dim surfName As String
    surfName = surf.Name
    ' Show the Surfaces count before the delete
    MsgBox "The Surface count is: " & surfs.Count, vbInformation, "Delete Example"
    ' Delete the first StationEquation
    surfs.Delete (surfName)
    ' Show the Surfaces count after the delete
    MsgBox "The Surfaces count is: " & surfs.Count, vbInformation, "Delete Example"
End Sub