GroupName Example

Land Auto

GroupName Example


l CogoPoint

l PointGroup

Sub Example_GroupName_CogoPoint()
    ' This example returns the GroupName for the first CogoPoint in the collection.
    ' This example assumes the first point in the collection is in a 
    ' Point Group named "Example Group".
    Dim cogoPnts As AeccCogoPoints
    Dim cogoPnt As AeccCogoPoint
    Set cogoPnts = AeccApplication.ActiveProject.CogoPoints
    ' Filter CogoPoints collection on GroupName
    cogoPnts.GroupName = "Example Group"
    Set cogoPnt = cogoPnts.Item(0)
    MsgBox "The GroupName for the first CogoPoint in the collection is: " & cogoPnt.Groupname, _
        vbInformation, "GroupName Example"
End Sub

Sub Example_GroupName_PointGroup()
    ' This function gets the GroupName for the first PointGroup
    ' in the collection.
    Dim pntGrp As AeccPointGroup
    Set pntGrp = AeccApplication.ActiveProject.PointGroups.Item(0)
    MsgBox "The GroupName for the first PointGroup is: " & _
        pntGrp.GroupName, vbInformation, "GroupName Example"
End Sub