LabelStyle Example

Land Auto

LabelStyle Example

Sub Example_LabelStyle()
    ' This function gets the label style override for the
    ' project database point group
    Dim ptGrp As AeccPointGroup
    Set ptGrp = AeccApplication.ActiveProject.PointGroups.Item(0)
    ' Initialize message to no label style overide defined
    Dim labelMsg As String
    labelMsg = "There is no label style override for point group " & _
        ptGrp.GroupName & "."
    ' Test if label style is defined and if true define new message
    If ptGrp.LabelStyle  "" Then
    labelMsg = "The label style override for point group " & _
        ptGrp.GroupName & " is: " & ptGrp.LabelStyle
    End If
    MsgBox labelMsg, vbInformation, "LabelStyle Example"
End Sub