VerticalScale Example
l CrossSectionBlock (Civil Engineering Feature)
l ProfileBlock (Civil Engineering Feature)
Sub Example_VerticalScale_CrossSectionBlock()
' This example returns the vertical scale for the
' first alignment cross section in the collection.
Dim alignXSects As AeccCrossSectionBlocks
Dim alignXSect As AeccCrossSectionBlock
Set alignXSects = AeccApplication.ActiveDocument.CrossSectionBlocks
Set alignXSect = alignXSects.Item(0)
'Get the station for the first alignment cross section in the collection
Dim station As String
station = alignXSect.station
MsgBox "The vertical scale for the alignment cross section at station " & station & " is: " & _
Format(alignXSect.VerticalScale, "0.00"), vbInformation, "VerticalScale Example"
End Sub
Sub Example_VerticalScale_DatabasePreferences()
' This example returns the vertical scale setting for the current drawing.
Dim dbPref As AeccDatabasePreferences
Set dbPref = AeccApplication.ActiveDocument.Preferences
MsgBox "The current vertical scale for this drawing is: " & dbPref.VerticalScale, _
vbInformation, "VerticalScale Example"
End Sub
Sub Example_VerticalScale_ProfileBlock()
' This example returns the vertical scale for the first alignment profile
' in the collection.
Dim alignProf As AeccProfileBlock
Set alignProf = AeccApplication.ActiveDocument.ProfileBlocks.Item(0)
MsgBox "The vertical scale for the first alignment profile is: " & _
Format(alignProf.VerticalScale, "0.00"), vbInformation, "VerticalScale Example"
End Sub