SuperelevationCode Example
Sub Example_SuperelevationCode()
' This example returns the data for the first superelevation in the
' superelevation collection for the first alignment in the collection.
Dim aligns As AeccAlignments
Dim align As AeccAlignment
Dim sElev As AeccSuperelevation
Set aligns = AeccApplication.ActiveProject.Alignments
Set align = AeccApplication.ActiveProject.Alignments.Item(0)
Set sElev = align.Superelevations.Item(0)
' Get the alignment name
Dim alignName As String
alignName = align.Name
' Get the superelevation station and format it
Dim station As String
station = aligns.DoubleToStaFormat(sElev.station)
' Get the superelevation curve code
Dim crvCode As String
Select Case sElev.curveCode
Case kSERightHandCurve
crvCode = "Right Hand Curve"
Case kSELeftHandCurve
crvCode = "Left Hand Curve"
End Select
' Get the superelevation code
Dim supCode As String
Select Case sElev.SuperelevationCode
Case kSEFullCrown
supCode = "Full Crown"
Case kSEHalfCrown
supCode = "Half Crown"
Case kSECrownRemoved
supCode = "Crown Removed"
Case kSEFullSuperelevations
supCode = "Full Superelevation"
Case kSEReverseCurve
supCode = "Reverse Curve"
Case kSECompoundCurve
supCode = "Compound Curve"
End Select
MsgBox "The alignment name is: " & alignName & vbCrLf & _
"The data for the first superelevation is: " & vbCrLf & _
vbTab & "Station: " & station & vbCrLf & _
vbTab & "Curve Code: " & crvCode & vbCrLf & _
vbTab & "Superelevation Code: " & supCode, _
vbInformation, "SuperelevationCode Example"
End Sub