Modified Example
class Module Code:
Public WithEvents cogoPnts As AeccCogoPoints
Private Sub cogoPnts_Modified()
MsgBox "Points have been modified", vbInformation, "Modified Example"
End Sub
Module Code:
Option Explicit
Dim eh As New EventHandler
Sub example_Modify_Event()
' This example establishes event handling for the CogoPoints object.
Set eh.cogoPnts = AeccApplication.ActiveProject.CogoPoints
End Sub
Sub Example_Modify()
' This example change toggles the raw description of the first point
' in the collection to illustrate the Modify event.
Dim cogoPnt As AeccCogoPoint
Set cogoPnt = AeccApplication.ActiveProject.CogoPoints.Item(0)
' Get the points raw description
Dim strName As String
strName = cogoPnt.RawDescription
' Modify the raw description
If cogoPnt.RawDescription = "Old Description" Then
cogoPnt.RawDescription = "New Description"
cogoPnt.RawDescription = "Old Description"
End If
' Show the override description on the command line
ThisDrawing.Utility.Prompt vbCrLf & "The raw description of the first point is: " & cogoPnt.RawDescription
End Sub