Build Example

Land Auto

Build Example


l Surface

l WaterSheds

Sub Example_Build_Surfaces()
    ' This example Builds the first Surface in the collection after adding 20.0
    ' to all elevations.
    Dim surf As AeccSurface
    Set surf = AeccApplication.ActiveProject.Surfaces.Item(0)
    surf.AddToAllElevations 20#
End Sub

Sub Example_Build_Watersheds()
    ' This example Builds the Watersheds after increasing the MinDepressionDepth
    ' by 10.0
    Dim surf As AeccSurface
    Dim wSheds As AeccWaterSheds
    Set surf = AeccApplication.ActiveProject.Surfaces.Item(0)
    Set wSheds = surf.Outputs.WaterSheds
    Dim minDepth As Double
    Dim minArea As Double
    minDepth = wSheds.MinDepressionDepth + 10
    minArea = wSheds.MinDepressionArea
    wSheds.Build MinDepressionDepth, MinDepressionArea, True
End Sub