Coordinates Example

Land Auto

Coordinates Example


l AeccContour

l Boundary

l Breakline

l CogoPoint

l ContourItem

l CrossSectionBlock (Civil Engineering Feature)

l Edge

l ElevationContour

l Face

l ProfileBlock (Civil Engineering Feature)

Sub Example_Coordinates_AeccContour()
    ' This example displays the Coordinates for a selected contour
    On Error Resume Next
    ' Delete existing SelectionSet
    ' Create the selection set based on a point selection
    ' and filter for Contour objects
    Dim ssetObj As AcadSelectionSet
    Set ssetObj = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("SSet")
    Dim mode As Integer
    Dim gpCode(0) As Integer
    Dim dataValue(0) As Variant
    gpCode(0) = 0
    dataValue(0) = "AECC_CONTOUR"
    Dim groupCode As Variant
    Dim dataCode As Variant
    Dim returnPnt As Variant
    groupCode = gpCode
    dataCode = dataValue
    returnPnt = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetPoint(, "Enter a point on a contour line: ")
    ssetObj.SelectAtPoint returnPnt, groupCode, dataCode
    Dim objContour As AeccContour
    Set objContour = ssetObj.Item(0)
    Dim coords As Variant
    coords = objContour.Coordinates
    MsgBox "The first point in Coordinates is: " & coords(0) & ", " & coords(1) & ", " & coords(2), _
        vbInformation, "Coordinates Example"
End Sub

Sub Example_Coordinates_Boundary()
    ' This example returns the first point in the Coordinates
    ' for the first Boundary in the collection.
    Dim surf As AeccSurface
    Dim bound As AeccBoundary
    Set surf = AeccApplication.ActiveProject.Surfaces.Item(0)
    Set bound = surf.Inputs.Boundaries.Item(0)
    Dim coords As Variant
    coords = bound.Coordinates
    MsgBox "The first Coordinate for the Boundary is: " & coords(0) & ", " & coords(1) & ", " & coords(2) _
        , vbInformation, "Coordinates Example"
End Sub

Sub Example_Coordinates_BreakLine()
    ' This example returns the first point in the Coordinates
    ' for the first BreakLine in the collection.
    Dim surf As AeccSurface
    Dim brkLine As AeccBreakLine
    Set surf = AeccApplication.ActiveProject.Surfaces.Item(0)
    Set brkLine = surf.Inputs.BreakLines.Item(0)
    Dim coords As Variant
    coords = brkLine.Coordinates
    MsgBox "The first Coordinate for the BreakLine is: " & coords(0) & ", " & coords(1) & ", " & coords(2) _
        , vbInformation, "Coordinates Example"
End Sub

Sub Example_Coordinates_CogoPoint()
    ' This example returns the Coordinate for the first CogoPoint in the collection
    Dim cogoPnt As AeccCogoPoint
    Set cogoPnt = AeccApplication.ActiveProject.CogoPoints.Item(0)
    Dim coords As Variant
    coords = cogoPnt.Coordinates
    MsgBox "The Coordinates for the first CogoPoint in the collection is: " & coords(0) & ", " & coords(1) & ", " & coords(2)
End Sub

Sub Example_Coordinates_ContourItem()
    ' This example returns the first point in the Coordinates
    ' for the first ContourItem in the collection.
    Dim surf As AeccSurface
    Dim cont As AeccContourItem
    Set surf = AeccApplication.ActiveProject.Surfaces.Item(0)
    Set cont = Surf.Inputs.ContourItems.Item(0)
    Dim coords As Variant
    coords = cont.Coordinates
    MsgBox "The first Coordinates for the ContourItem is: " & coords(0) & ", " & coords(1) & ", " & coords(2) _
        , vbInformation, "Coordinates Example"
End Sub

Sub Example_Coordinates_CrossSectionBlock()
    ' This example returns the coordinates for the
    ' first alignment cross section in the collection.
    Dim alignXSects As AeccCrossSectionBlocks
    Dim alignXSect As AeccCrossSectionBlock
    Set alignXSects = AeccApplication.ActiveDocument.CrossSectionBlocks
    Set alignXSect = alignXSects.Item(0)
    'Get the station for the first alignment cross section in the collection
    Dim station As String
    station = alignXSect.station
    'Get the coordinates for the first alignment cross section in the collection
    Dim coords As Variant
    coords = alignXSect.Coordinates
    MsgBox "The coordinates for the alignment cross section at station " & station & " is: " & vbCrLf & _
        "X Value: " & Format(coords(0), "0.00") & vbCrLf & _
        "Y Value: " & Format(coords(1), "0.00"), vbInformation, "Coordinates Example"
End Sub

Sub Example_Coordinates_Edge()
    ' This example returns the coordinates for the first
    ' Edge in the collection.
    Dim surf As AeccSurface
    Dim edge As AeccEdge
    Set surf = AeccApplication.ActiveProject.Surfaces.Item(0)
    Set edge = Surf.Outputs.Edges.Item(0)
    Dim coords As Variant
    coords = edge.Coordinates
    MsgBox "The Coordinates for the first Edge are:" & vbCrLf & _
        "FromNorthing: " & coords(0) & vbCrLf & _
        "FromEasting: " & coords(1) & vbCrLf & _
        "FromElevation: " & coords(2) & vbCrLf & _
        "ToNorthing: " & coords(3) & vbCrLf & _
        "ToEasting: " & coords(4) & vbCrLf & _
        "ToElevation: " & coords(5), vbInformation, "Coordinates Example"
End Sub

Sub Example_Coordinates_ElevationContour()
    ' This example returns the first point in the coordinates for the
    ' first ElevationContour in the collection at 100.0
    Dim surf As AeccSurface
    Dim elevContours As AeccElevationContours
    Dim elevContour As AeccElevationContour
    Dim coords As Variant
    Set surf = AeccApplication.ActiveProject.Surfaces.Item(0)
    Set elevContours = Surf.Outputs.ElevationContours
    'Create a collection of ElevationContours at 100.0
    elevContours.Elevation = 100#
    Set elevContour = elevContours.Item(0)
    coords = elevContour.Coordinates
    MsgBox "The first point in Coordinates is: " & coords(0) & ", " & coords(1) & ", " & coords(2), vbInformation, "Coordinates Example"
End Sub

Sub Example_Coordinates_Face()
    ' This example returns the Coordinates
    ' for the first Face in the collection.
    Dim surf As AeccSurface
    Dim face As AeccFace
    Set Surf = AeccApplication.ActiveProject.Surfaces.Item(0)
    Set face = surf.Outputs.faces.Item(0)
    Dim coord As Variant
    coord = face.Coordinates
    MsgBox "The points for the first face are: " & vbCrLf & _
        coord(0) & ", " & coord(1) & ", " & coord(2) & vbCrLf & _
        coord(3) & ", " & coord(4) & ", " & coord(5) & vbCrLf & _
        coord(6) & ", " & coord(7) & ", " & coord(8), vbInformation, "Coordinates Example"
End Sub

Sub Example_Coordinates_ProfileBlock()
    ' This example returns the Coordinate for the first ProfileBlock
    ' in the collection.
    Dim alignProf As AeccProfileBlock
    Set alignProf = AeccApplication.ActiveDocument.ProfileBlocks.Item(0)
    Dim coords As Variant
    coords = alignProf.Coordinates
    MsgBox "The Coordinates for the first Alignment Profile are:" & vbCrLf & _
        "X Value: " & Format(coords(0), "0.00") & vbCrLf & _
        "Y Value: " & Format(coords(1), "0.00"), vbInformation, "Coordinates Example"
End Sub