StationElevationToXy Example
Sub Example_StationElevationToXy()
' This example returns the StationElevationToXy for the first ProfileBlock
' in the collection.
Dim alignProf As AeccProfileBlock
Set alignProf = AeccApplication.ActiveDocument.ProfileBlocks.Item(0)
Dim StaElev(0 To 1) As Double
Dim XY As Variant
Dim station As Double
Dim elevation As Double
'Get the station and the elevation
station = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetReal("Enter the station for the X value: ")
elevation = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetReal("Enter the elevation for the Y value: ")
' Use the entered values to get the X and Y values
staElev(0) = station
staElev(1) = elevation
XY = alignProf.StationElevationToXy(staElev)
MsgBox "The X value for the StationElevation is: " & Format(XY(0), "0.00") & vbCrLf & _
"The Y value for the StationElevation is: " & Format(XY(1), "0.00") _
, vbInformation, "StationElevationToXy Example"
End Sub