NewProjectBased Method
Creates a new AutoCAD Land Desktop document.
RetVal = object.NewProjectBased(TemplateName, DrawingName[, ProjectName])
Document The object or objects this property applies to.
String; input-only
The file name of the template.
String; input-only
The file name for the new drawing.
String; input-only; optional
The name of the Project
The newly created Document object.
The drawing name can be up to 255 characters, including path and file extension, and it must be unique. You cannot create two drawings with the same name in the same drawing folder.
It is not necessary to add .dwg to the end of the name; the drawing file extension is created automatically. If a path is not specified, the new drawing will be created at the current DrawingPath for the ActiveProject.
It is not necessary to add .dwt to the end of the TemplateFileName; it will be added automatically if not specified. If the path is not specified, the TemplateDwgPath of the AcadPreferences object will be used.
If a path for the Project is not specified, the Path of the ActiveProject object is used.