ConvertToCurrentVolumeDisplay Example

Land Auto

ConvertToCurrentVolumeDisplay Example

Sub Example_ConvertToCurrentVolumeDisplay()
    ' This example returns the value of ConvertToCurrentVolumeDisplay
    ' for the current drawing.
    Dim dbPref As AeccDatabasePreferences
    Set dbPref = AeccApplication.ActiveDocument.preferences
    ' Set the volume display units to cubic yards
    dbPref.VolumeDisplayUnit = aecUnitCubicYard
    Dim SourceArea As Double
    Dim TargetArea As Double
    SourceArea = 54# 'Cubic feet, assumes drawing set to foot units
    TargetArea = dbPref.ConvertToCurrentVolumeDisplay(SourceArea)
    MsgBox "The area to convert is 54 cubic feet." & vbCrLf & _
        "The VolumnDisplayUnit is set to cubic yard." & vbCrLf & _
        "The value for ConvertToCurrentVolumeDisplay is " & TargetArea & " square yards.", _
        vbInformation, "ConvertToCurrentVolumnDisplay Example"
End Sub