Preferences Example

Land Auto

Preferences Example


l AeccApplication

l Document

l Project

Sub Example_Preferences_AeccApplication()
    ' This example returns the current setting of PrototypePath
    ' from the preferences object.
    Dim preferences As AeccPreferences
    Set preferences = AeccApplication.Preferences
    MsgBox "The current value for PrototypePath is: " & preferences.Files.PrototypePath, _
        vbInformation, "Preferences Example"
End Sub

Sub Example_Preferences_Document()
    ' This example returns the AngularPrecision for the active document.
    Dim doc As AeccDocument
    Set doc = AeccApplication.ActiveDocument
    MsgBox "The setting for AngularPrecision is: " & doc.Preferences.AngularPrecision, _
        vbInformation, "Preferences Example"
End Sub

Sub Example_Preferences_Project()
    ' This example returns the text size for Cogo Preferences
    ' in the current project.
    Dim proj As AeccProject
    Set proj = AeccApplication.ActiveProject
    MsgBox "The text size for Cogo Preferences in the current Project is: " & _ 
        proj.Preferences.Cogo.GetDouble(kPntTextSize), vbInformation, "Preferences Example"
End Sub