Item Example

Land Auto

Item Example

Sub Example_Item()
    ' This example show two uses of the Item method.
    ' The first uses Item with an index counter to return an item in a collection.
    ' The second uses Item with a string to return an item in a collection.
    ' Iterate through the model space collection,
    ' get all the items in the collection
    ' and store them in an array called newObjs.
    Dim count As Integer
    count = AeccApplication.Projects.count
    ReDim newObjs(count) As AeccProjects
    Dim index As Integer
    For index = 0 To count – 1
        Set newObjs(index) = AeccApplication.Projects.Item(index)
    ' Get a particular item, in this case a project, based on name "shaker".
    Dim proj As AeccProject
    Set proj = AeccApplication.Projects.Item("shaker")
End Sub