OffsetElevationToXy Example
Sub Example_OffsetElevationToXy()
' This example returns an Autocad XY for a given offset and elevation for the
' first alignment cross section in the collection.
Dim alignXSect As AeccCrossSectionBlock
Set alignXSect = AeccApplication.ActiveDocument.CrossSectionBlocks.Item(0)
Dim offElev(0 To 1) As Double
Dim XY As Variant
Dim station As String
Dim offset As Double
Dim elevation As Double
'Get the station for the first alignment cross section in the collection.
station = alignXSect.station
'Get the offset and the elevation
offset = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetReal(vbCrLf & "Enter the offset in station " & station & ": ")
elevation = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetReal("Enter the elevation in station " & station & ": ")
' Use the entered values to get the X and Y values
offElev(0) = offset
offElev(1) = elevation
XY = alignXSect.OffsetElevationToXy(offElev)
MsgBox "The X value for the offset is: " & Format(XY(0), "0.00") & vbCrLf & _
"The Y value for the elevation is: " & Format(XY(1), "0.00") _
, vbInformation, "OffsetElevationToXy Example"
End Sub