Add Example
l DEMFiles
l EGProfiles (Civil Engineering Feature)
l FGProfiles (Civil Engineering Feature)
l Parcels
l Projects
l PVIs (Civil Engineering Feature)
l Surfaces
Sub Example_Add_Alignments()
' This example adds an Alignment made up of a tangent,
' curve, and spiral entities.
Dim aligns As AeccAlignments
Dim align As AeccAlignment
Set aligns = AeccApplication.ActiveProject.Alignments
' Add an Alignment named "Example Alignment" and starting at Station 50.0
Set align = aligns.Add("Example Alignment", 50#)
' Add a tangent, curve, and spiral to the alignment
Dim tangent As AeccAlignTangent
Dim curve As AeccAlignCurve
Dim spiral As AeccAlignSpiral
Set tangent = align.AddTangent(0#, 0#, 150#, 0#)
Set spiral = align.AddSpiral(150#, 0#, 388.069176379758, -5.83082052087824E-14, 250#, 100#, 0, 0, kClothoid)
Set curve = align.AddCurve(250, 100#, 320.966940499621, 197.983470249737, 200#, 200#, False)
MsgBox "The total number of entities in the Alignment is: " & align.AlignEntities.count, _
vbInformation, "Add Example"
End Sub
Sub Example_Add_Boundaries()
' This example starts by displays the initial count of the Boundaries
' for the first surface in the collection. A new visible Boundary is added
' and the count is redisplays. Finally, the new Boundary is deleted. The count is
' displayed again, showing the deletion.
Dim surf As AeccSurface
Dim bounds As AeccBoundaries
Dim Bound As AeccBoundary
Set surf = AeccApplication.ActiveProject.Surfaces.Item(0)
Set bounds = surf.Inputs.Boundaries
MsgBox "The Boundaries Count is: " & bounds.count, vbInformation, "Add Example"
' Initialize variables
Dim pnts(0 To 14) As Double
Dim count As Integer
Dim index As Integer
Dim pnt As Variant
index = 0
' Add a new Boundary based on five selected points
For count = 1 To 5
pnt = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetPoint(, "Select point" + Str(count) + " of Boundary: ")
pnts(index) = pnt(0): pnts(index + 1) = pnt(1): pnts(index + 2) = pnt(2)
index = index + 3
Next count
' Add a new Boundary
Set Bound = bounds.Add(kBoundaryTypeShow, False, pnts, "NewBoundary")
MsgBox "The BreakLines Count after the add is: " & bounds.count, vbInformation, "Add Example"
' Delete the new Boundary
bounds.Delete Bound.Id
MsgBox "The Boundaries Count after the delete is " & bounds.count, vbInformation, "Add Example"
End Sub
Sub Example_Add_BreakLines()
' This example starts by displays the initial count of the BreakLines
' for the first surface in the collection. A new BreakLines is added
' and the count is redisplays. Finally, the new file is deleted. The count is
' displayed again, showing the deletion.
Dim surf As AeccSurface
Dim brkLines As AeccBreakLines
Dim brkLine As AeccBreakLine
Set surf = AeccApplication.ActiveProject.Surfaces.Item(0)
Set brkLines = surf.Inputs.BreakLines
MsgBox "The BreakLines Count is: " & brkLines.count, vbInformation, "Add Example"
' Initialize variables
Dim pnts(0 To 14) As Double
Dim count As Integer
Dim index As Integer
Dim pnt As Variant
index = 0
' Add a new BreakLine based on five selected points
For count = 1 To 5
pnt = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetPoint(, "Select point" + Str(count) + " of BreakLine: ")
pnts(index) = pnt(0): pnts(index + 1) = pnt(1): pnts(index + 2) = pnt(2)
index = index + 3
Next count
Set brkLine = brkLines.Add(pnts, "NewBreakLine")
MsgBox "The BreakLines Count after the add is: " & brkLines.count, vbInformation, "Add Example"
' Delete the new BreakLines
brkLines.Delete brkLine.Id
MsgBox "The BreakLines Count after the delete is " & brkLines.count, vbInformation, "Add Example"
End Sub
Sub Example_Add_CogoPoints()
' This function adds a new CogoPoint to the CogoPoints collection.
Dim cogoPnts As AeccCogoPoints
Dim newCogoPnt As AeccCogoPoint
Set cogoPnts = AeccApplication.ActiveProject.CogoPoints
' Get a point
Dim newPnt As Variant
newPnt = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetPoint(, "Select point location: ")
' Add CogoPoint
Set newCogoPnt = cogoPnts.Add(newPnt, kCoordinateFormatXYZ)
MsgBox "The Number for the new CogoPoint is: " & newCogoPnt.Number, vbInformation, "Add Example"
End Sub
Sub Example_Add_ContourItems()
' This example Adds a Contour, with an elevation of 100,
' to the first collection in ContourItems.
Dim surf As AeccSurface
Dim conts As AeccContourItems
Set surf = AeccApplication.ActiveProject.Surfaces.Item(0)
Set conts = surf.Inputs.ContourItems
' Display the number of ContourItems in the collection before the add
MsgBox "The number of ContourItems in the collection is: " & conts.count, vbInformation, "Add Example"
' Initialize variables
Dim pnts(0 To 29) As Double
Dim count As Integer
Dim index As Integer
Dim pnt As Variant
index = 0
'Define a new contour based upon 10 entered points
For count = 1 To 10
pnt = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetPoint(, "Select point" + str(count) + " of Contour: ")
pnts(index) = pnt(0): pnts(index + 1) = pnt(1): pnts(index + 2) = 100#
index = index + 3
Next count
' Add Contour to the collection
conts.Add Points
' Display the number of ContourItems in the collection after the add
MsgBox "The number of ContourItems in the collection is: " & conts.count, vbInformation, "Add Example"
End Sub
Sub Example_Add_DEMFiles()
' This example starts by displays the initial count of DEMFiles
' for the first surface. A new DEMfile is added and the count is redisplays.
' Finally, the new file is deleted. The count is displayed again, showing
' the deletion.
Dim surf As AeccSurface
Dim DEMFiles As AeccDEMFiles
Set surf = AeccApplication.ActiveProject.Surfaces.Item(0)
Set DEMFiles = surf.Inputs.DEMFiles
MsgBox "The DEMFiles Count is: " & DEMFiles.Count, vbInformation, "Add Example"
'Get the DEMFile name and format the prompt
Dim DEMName As String
Dim prompt As String
prompt = "Enter the name of the DEMFile for surface " & surf.Name & ": "
DEMName = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetString(False, prompt)
' Add a new DEMFile
DEMFiles.Add DEMName
MsgBox "The DEMFiles Count after the add is: " & DEMFiles.Count, vbInformation, "Add Example"
' Delete the new DEMFile
DEMFiles.Delete DEMName
MsgBox "The DEMFiles Count after the delete is " & DEMFiles.Count, vbInformation, "Add Example"
End Sub
Sub Example_Add_DescriptionKeyFile()
' This example starts by displays the initial count of DescriptionKeys
' in the DEFAULT DescriptionKey file. A new DescriptionKey is added
' and the count is redisplays. Finally, the new key is deleted. The
' count is displayed again, showing the deletion.
Dim dkeyFile As AeccDescriptionKeyFile
Set dkeyFile = AeccApplication.ActiveProject.DescriptionKeyFiles.Item("DEFAULT")
MsgBox "The DescriptionKey Count is " & dkeyFile.count, vbInformation, "Add Example"
' Add a new DescriptionKey
dkeyFile.Add "New"
MsgBox "The DescriptionKey Count is " & dkeyFile.count, vbInformation, "Add Example"
' Delete the new DescriptionKey
dkeyFile.Delete "New"
MsgBox "The DescriptionKey Count is " & dkeyFile.count, vbInformation, "Add Example"
End Sub
;Sub Example_Add_DescriptionKeyFiles()
' This example starts by displays the initial count of DescriptionKeyFiles
' on the system. A new DescriptionKeyFile is added and the count is redisplays.
' Finally, the new file is deleted. The count is displayed again, showing
' the deletion.
Dim dKeyFiles As AeccDescriptionKeyFiles
Set dKeyFiles = AeccApplication.ActiveProject.DescriptionKeyFiles
MsgBox "The DescriptionKeyFiles Count is " & dKeyFiles.count, vbInformation, "Add Example"
' Add a new DescriptionKeyFile
dKeyFiles.Add "NewFile"
MsgBox "The DescriptionKeyFiles Count is " & dKeyFiles.count, vbInformation, "Add Example"
' Delete the new DescriptionKeyFile
dKeyFiles.Delete "NewFile"
MsgBox "The DescriptionKeyFiles Count is " & dKeyFiles.count, vbInformation, "Add Example"
End Sub
Sub Example_Add_EGProfiles()
' This example gets the surface name from the user and adds a new
' existing ground profile for the first alignment in the collection.
Dim align As AeccAlignment
Dim newEGProf As AeccEGProfile
Set align = AeccApplication.ActiveProject.Alignments.Item(0)
'Get the surface name and format the prompt
Dim surfName As String
Dim prompt As String
prompt = "Enter the name of the surface for alignment " & align.Name & ": "
surfName = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetString(False, prompt)
'Add the new existing ground profile
Set newEGProf = align.EGProfiles.Add(kEgCenter, surfName)
MsgBox "The first station for the new existing ground profile is: " _
& newEGProf.StationElevations(0), vbInformation, "Add Example"
End Sub
Sub Example_Add_FGProfiles()
' This example adds a center type finished ground profile
' to the first alignment in the collection.
Dim align As AeccAlignment
Dim newFGProf As AeccFGProfile
Set align = AeccApplication.ActiveProject.Alignments.Item(0)
'Add the new finished ground profile
Set newFGProf = align.FGProfiles.Add(kFgCenter)
MsgBox "The type for the new existing ground profile is: " _
& newFGProf.Type, vbInformation, "Add Example"
End Sub
Sub Example_Add_Parcels()
' This example starts by displays the initial count of Parcels
' A new Parcel is added and the count is redisplayed. Finally,
' the new Parcel is deleted. The count is displayed again, showing
' the deletion.
Dim parcels As AeccParcels
Set parcels = AeccApplication.ActiveProject.Parcels
MsgBox "The Parcel Count is: " & parcels.Count, vbInformation, "Add Example"
' Add a new Parcel
parcels.Add "NewParcel"
MsgBox "The Parcel Count is: " & parcels.Count, vbInformation, "Add Example"
' Delete the new Parcel
parcels.Delete "NewParcel"
MsgBox "The Parcel Count is: " & parcels.Count, vbInformation, "Add Example"
End Sub
Sub Example_Add_PointFiles()
' This example starts by displays the initial count of PointFiles
' on the system. A new Pointfile is added and the count is redisplays.
' Finally, the new file is deleted. The count is displayed again, showing
' the deletion.
Dim surf As AeccSurface
Dim pntFiles As AeccPointFiles
Set surf = AeccApplication.ActiveProject.Surfaces.Item(0)
Set pntFiles = surf.Inputs.PointFiles
MsgBox "The PointFiles Count is: " & pntFiles.Count, vbInformation, "Add Example"
' Add a new PointFile
pntFiles.Add "NewPointFile"
MsgBox "The PointFiles Count after the add is: " & pntFiles.Count, vbInformation, "Add Example"
' Delete the new PointFile
pntFiles.Delete "NewPointFile"
MsgBox "The PointFiles Count after the delete is " & pntFiles.Count, vbInformation, "Add Example"
End Sub
Sub Example_Add_PointGroupNames()
' This example starts by displays the initial count of the PointGroupNames
' for the first surface in the collection. A new PointGroupName is added
' and the count is redisplays. Finally, the new file is deleted. The count is
' displayed again, showing the deletion.
Dim surf As AeccSurface
Dim pntGrpNames As AeccPointGroupNames
Set surf = AeccApplication.ActiveProject.Surfaces.Item(0)
Set pntGrpNames = surf.Inputs.PointGroupNames
MsgBox "The PointGroupNames Count is: " & pntGrpNames.Count, vbInformation, "Add Example"
' Add a new PointGroupName
pntGrpNames.Add "NewPointGroupName"
MsgBox "The PointGroupNames Count after the add is: " & pntGrpNames.Count, vbInformation, "Add Example"
' Delete the new PointGroupName
pntGrpNames.Delete "NewPointGroupName"
MsgBox "The PointGroupNames Count after the delete is " & pntGrpNames.Count, vbInformation, "Add Example"
End Sub
Sub Example_Add_PointGroups()
' This function adds a new PointGroup named "New Group".
Dim pntGrps As AeccPointGroups
Dim newPntGrp As AeccPointGroup
Set pntGrps = AeccApplication.ActiveProject.PointGroups
' Show the number of alignments in the project
MsgBox "The initial Count of PointGroups is: " & pntGrps.Count, vbInformation, "Add Example"
' Add PointGroup
Set newPntGrp = pntGrps.Add("Example Group", "1-10, 20-30")
' Show the number of alignments in the project after the Add
MsgBox "The Count of PointGroups is: " & pntGrps.Count, vbInformation, "Add Example"
End Sub
Sub Example_Add_Projects()
' This example creates a new project.
Dim projs As AeccProjects
Set projs = AeccApplication.Projects
' Show the number of projects
MsgBox "The initial Count of Projects is: " & projs.Count, vbInformation, "Add Example"
projs.Add "New Project", "Default (Feet)"
' Show the number of projects after the Add
MsgBox "The Count of Projects is: " & projs.Count, vbInformation, "Add Example"
End Sub
Sub Example_Add_PVIs()
'This example adds a PVI in the first finished
'ground profile of the first alignment in the collection.
Dim align As AeccAlignment
Dim FGProf As AeccFGProfile
Set align = AeccApplication.ActiveProject.Alignments.Item(0)
Set FGProf = align.FGProfiles.Item(0)
MsgBox "The number of PVIs in the finished ground profiles is: " _
& FGProf.PVIs.Count, vbInformation, "Add Example"
'Get the station, elevation, and curve length
Dim station As Double
Dim elevation As Double
Dim curvelength As Double
station = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetReal("Enter a station on finished grade profile: ")
elevation = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetReal("Enter an elevation on finished grade profile: ")
station = ThisDrawing.Utility.GetReal("Enter a curve length on finished grade profile: ")
'Add the PVI
FGProf.PVIs.Add station, elevation, curvelength
MsgBox "The number of PVIs in the finished ground profiles is: " _
& FGProf.PVIs.Count, vbInformation, "Add Example"
End Sub
Sub Example_Add_StationEquations()
' This example adds a StationEquation to
' the first alignment in the collection.
Dim aligns As AeccAlignments
Dim align As AeccAlignment
Set aligns = AeccApplication.ActiveProject.Alignments
' Get the first alignment
Set align = aligns.Item(0)
' Set the first alignment current.
aligns.CurrentAlignment = align.Name
Dim staEqus As AeccStationEquations
Dim staEqu As AeccStationEquation
Set staEqus = align.StationEquations
' Show the StationEquation count for the first alignment
MsgBox "The StationEquation count for the first alignment is: " & staEqus.count, _
vbInformation, "Add Example"
' Add a new StationEquations
Set staEqu = staEqus.Add(100, 50, kIncreasing)
' Show the stationEquation count after the add
MsgBox "The StationEquation count for the first alignment is: " & staEqus.count, _
vbInformation, "Add Example"
End; Sub
Sub Example_Add_Surfaces()
' This example creates a new Surface and adds it to the Surfaces collection
Dim surfs As AeccSurfaces
Set surfs = AeccApplication.ActiveProject.Surfaces
Surfs.Add "New Surface"
MsgBox "The Number of Surfaces has increased to " & surfs.Count, vbInformation, "Add Example"
End Sub