AddCurve Example
l Parcel
Sub Example_AddCurve_Alignment()
' This example adds an Alignment made up of a tangent,
' curve, and spiral entities.
Dim aligns As AeccAlignments
Dim align As AeccAlignment
Set aligns = AeccApplication.ActiveProject.Alignments
' Add an Alignment named "Example Alignment" and starting at Station 50.0
Set align = aligns.Add("Example Alignment", 50#)
' Add a tangent, curve, and spiral to the alignment
Dim tangent As AeccAlignTangent
Dim curve As AeccAlignCurve
Dim spiral As AeccAlignSpiral
Set tangent = align.AddTangent(0#, 0#, 150#, 0#)
Set spiral = align.AddSpiral(150#, 0#, 388.069176379758, -5.83082052087824E-14, 250#, 100#, 0, 0, kClothoid)
Set curve = align.AddCurve(250, 100#, 320.966940499621, 197.983470249737, 200#, 200#, False)
MsgBox "The total number of entities in the Alignment is: " & align.AlignEntities.count , vbInformation, "AddCurve Example"
End Sub
Sub Example_AddCurve_Parcel()
' This example adds a Parcel made up of lines and an arc.
' The parcel is then imported into the drawing.
Dim parcels As AeccParcels
Dim parcel As AeccParcel
Set parcels = AeccApplication.ActiveProject.parcels
' Add a new Parcel
Set parcel = parcels.Add("New Parcel")
' Add lines and a curve to the Parcel
parcel.AddLine 50#, 50#, 150#, 50#
parcel.AddLine 150#, 50#, 150#, 200#
parcel.AddCurve 150#, 200#, 100#, 200#, 50#, 200#, True
parcel.AddLine 50#, 200#, 50#, 50#
' Import the new Parcel
MsgBox "The total number of entities in the parcel is: " & parcel.ParcelEntities.Count, _
vbInformation, "AddCurve Example"
End Sub