
Land Desktop Development ARX CPP SDK

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Rebuilds a topology.



char *toponame);

Returns RTNORM or an error code.

toponame The name of the topology.

The rebuilt topology is loaded, but closed. You must open it with tpm_acopen.

Rebuilding a topology restores all its object data fields to their default values. Any object data fields modified after the topology was built are lost. See Topology Object Data.

Whether you need to rebuild a topology after you change it depends upon the functions used to make the changes.

  • If changes were made using AutoCAD drawing and editing functions, you may need to rebuild the topology.
  • If the AutoCAD alterations introduce an error, the rebuild could fail. If this happens, you must clean the objects again and use tpm_mntbuild. You can use tpm_infocorrect to check for errors before attempting tpm_mntrebuild.

  • If changes were made using Topology functions, you do not have to rebuild the topology. This applies to objects altered with functions such as tpm_editaddelem, tpm_editdelelem, and tpm_editmodelem.