
Land Desktop Development ARX CPP SDK

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Compiles a list of adjacent elements for the specified element.

struct resbuf


ade_id tpm_id,

ade_id elem_id,

int adj_type);

Returns a list of element IDs or NULL.

tpm_id The topology ID.
elem_id An element ID, received from tpm_elemid.
adj_type The type of adjacent elements to be compiled into the list. Values can be: 1 (node), 2 (link), or 3 (polygon).

The following sample populates a resbuf with adjacent elements, (links) on a network topology using tpm_elemadj(). If the operation is successful the adjacent id(s) are displayed, and the resbuf is released as required. Note, tpm_acopen() was used to obtain the loaded topology id and tpm_elemid() was used to obtain a specific element id within the loaded topology.

char* pszTopoName = "NetTopo";
int topoWriteAccess = 0;
ade_id topoId = tpm_acopen(pszTopoName, topoWriteAccess);
int adjElementType = 2;
long elementIndex = 1;
ade_id adjElementID = tpm_elemid(topoId, adjElementType, elementIndex);
struct resbuf* pAdjElementIdsRb = tpm_elemadj(topoId, adjElementID, adjElementType);
if (NULL != pAdjElementIdsRb){
    struct resbuf* rb = pAdjElementIdsRb;
        "\nThe specified element has an ID of %.0lf. The following adjacent ID(s) were detected:"
        , adjElementID);
    while(NULL != rb) {
            "\n\t %.0lf"
            , rb->resval.rreal);
        rb = rb->rbnext;
else {
        "\nNo adjacent elements were detected.");