
Land Desktop Development ARX CPP SDK

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Creates a buffer around a specified topology and stores the results in a new topology.



ade_id source_id,

char *offset,

ade_id var_id,

char *result_name,

char *result_desc);

Returns RTNORM or an error code.

source_id The topology ID of the topology you want to buffer.
offset The buffer offset distance (a standard data extension expression).
var_id Topology variables ID.
result_name The name of the resulting buffer topology or NULL if you want to omit this parameter.
result_desc The description of the resulting buffer topology or NULL if you want to omit this parameter.

The topology variables ID references a set of topology variables.

This function draws one or more buffer perimeters. If the result argument is omitted or NULL, the buffered topologies are AutoCAD objects only. Otherwise the function creates a new topology that is loaded but not open.

The source topology must be loaded and open. The Read/Write access of the source topology does not affect this function.

A buffer is a zone that is drawn around a topology using a specified offset value. You can buffer any of the three topology types, node, network, or polygon. For example, you might specify a buffer on either side of a river to show the extent of a flood plain.