The following sample demonstrates getting an entity's Oracle ID if its AutoCAD ID is known, and vice versa. It also demonstrates that round trips with corresponding IDs are reliable — that if you use an AutoCAD ID to get an Oracle ID, and then use the Oracle ID to get an AutoCAD ID, the two AutoCAD IDs are the same.
Note The sample assumes an open project drawing containing imported entities. It also assumes that the connection object is actually connected to a database. Click "Connecting to an Oracle Spatial Database" for sample code.
Connecting to an Oracle Spatial Database (sample)
Oracle Spatial and AutoCAD IDs (overview)
Getting corresponding IDs (overview)
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#include "StdAfx.h" #include "StdArx.h" #include "AcMapOracleConnection.h" #include "AcMapOracleIdentification.h" BOOL Identification() { // Get the connection object AcMapOracleConnection *pConnection = AcMapOracleGetConnection(); // Create an identification object AcmapOracleIdentification *pId = new AcMapOracleIdentification(pConnection); AcDbObjectId AcadId; AcDbEntity *pEntity; ads_name en; ads_point pt; unsigned long ulOracleID; // Get an entity from the user if((acedEntSel("\nSelect an entity: ", en , pt) == RTNORM)) { // Get the entity's AutoCAD ID acdbGetObjectId(AcadId, en); // Initialize the identification object with the AutoCAD ID bInit = pId->Init(AcadId); // Get the corresponding Oracle ID ulOracleID = pId->GetOracleID(); char pBuf[100]; // Get the entity's handle and print it to the AutoCAD Map text window if (Acad::eOk == acdbOpenAcDbEntity( pEntity, AcadId, AcDb::kForRead )) { AcadId.handle().getIntoAsciiBuffer(pBuf); acutPrintf("\nAcad handle sel:%s", pBuf); pEntity->close(); } // Initialize the identification object with the Oracle ID bInit = pId->Init(ulOracleID); // Get the corresponding AutoCAD ID AcadId = pId->GetAcadID( acdbHostApplicationServices()->workingDatabase()); // Get the entity's handle and print it to the AutoCAD Map text window if (Acad::eOk == acdbOpenAcDbEntity( pEntity, AcadId, AcDb::kForRead )) { AcadId.handle().getIntoAsciiBuffer(pBuf); acutPrintf("\nAcad handle sel:%s", pBuf); pEntity->close(); } } acadSSFree(en); }