Breaks linear objects where they cross boundaries.
ads_name sscut,
ads_name boundary,
short skiptopo,
short keepod,
ads_name ssreturn);
sscut | Selection set of objects to cut. |
boundary | Object name of a single object or a selection set of multiple objects. Valid objects: line, polyline, circle, arc. |
skiptopo | Skip flag: 1 Skip objects referenced by a topology 0 Trim objects referenced by a topology |
keepod | Keep flag that sets whether to keep object data of clipped objects in result object: 1 Retain all object data on any clipped object 0 Drop object data on any clipped object |
ssreturn | A selection set of cut objects. |
This function cuts linear objects, such as lines, polylines, circles, and arcs, that cross the selected boundary. Unlike the map_dwgtrimobj function, this function does not delete the parts of the object on either side of the boundary. For example, you could mark a boundary and divide one map into two section maps along this boundary.
The following sample creates a filtered selection set of objects to be cut, (broken) and a filtered selection set containing one object to be used as the cutting edge. Map_dwgBreakObj() is called with all required parameters and if the operation is successful, the number of objects retained is reported. Resbufs are released as required and selection sets are freed.
struct resbuf* pFilteredCutObjsRb = acutBuildList( RTDXF0, "LWPOLYLINE", 8, "Landbase", 0); ads_name ssObjsToCut; acedSSGet("_X", NULL, NULL, pFilteredCutObjsRb, ssObjsToCut); struct resbuf* pFilteredObjsToCutRb = acutBuildList( RTDXF0, "LWPOLYLINE", 8, "MapEdge", 0); ads_name boundaryObj; acedSSGet("X", NULL, NULL, pFilteredObjsToCutRb, boundaryObj); short skipTopoObjs = 1; // Skip short keepObjectData = 1; // Retain ads_name ssObjsAreCut; int resultCode = map_dwgBreakObj( ssObjsToCut, boundaryObj, skipTopoObjs, keepObjectData, ssObjsAreCut); if (RTNORM == resultCode){ long ssObjsAreCutLength; acedSSLength(ssObjsAreCut, &ssObjsAreCutLength;); acutPrintf( "\n%d objects have been retained." , ssObjsAreCutLength); } else { acutPrintf( "\nUnable to complete the boundary break."); } acutRelRb(pFilteredCutObjsRb); acutRelRb(pFilteredObjsToCutRb); resultCode = acedSSFree(boundaryObj);