Plotting Functions

Land Desktop Development ARX CPP SDK

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Plotting Functions

The map plotting functions begin with map_plt.

map_pltblkatts Gets a list of block attributes.
map_pltblklist Returns a sorted list of block names that are usable as plot layouts.
map_pltblkvps Returns a list of valid viewport layers in layout blocks.
map_pltcleanup Restores settings altered by map_pltinit.
map_pltcurrdef Selects or creates a plot set.
map_pltcurrdel Resets a plot set attribute to its default value.
map_pltcurrget Retrieves the value for a specific attribute for the current plot set.
map_pltcurrsave Appends the current plot set definition to the plot set list.
map_pltcurrset Sets the value of an attribute for the current plot set.
map_pltdefdelete Deletes a plot set definition.
map_pltdefget Gets the value of an attribute of the plot set definition.
map_pltdeflist Returns a list of available plot set definitions in the project.
map_pltdefread Reads in a plot set definition from the plot definition dictionary for the project.
map_pltdefsave Writes the current plot set definition to the plot definition dictionary.
map_pltdefvalid Tests the plot set definition for validity.
map_pltdefverify Validates the given plot set to prevent plotting errors.
map_pltdisplay Generates the plot display for the specified boundary.
map_pltexecute Executes a plot, given a specified plot set.
map_pltinit Initializes environment for plotting.
map_pltplot Executes the plot script of the current plot set definition.
map_pltrestore Restores display altered by map_pltdisplay.