Defines a query.
char* joinop,
char* bggroups,
char* not_op,
char* condtype,
struct resbuf* qrycond,
char* endgroups);
Returns the ID of the query condition it creates or ADE_NULLID.
joinop | A joining operator: "and" or "or" or "" (none). If "" (none) is specified, the default joining operator is used (see ade_prefgetval). |
bggroups | For grouping this condition with others in the query definition you are building. Use one or more open parentheses as needed, or "" (none). For example, "((". |
not_op | The NOT operator, if needed: "not" or "" (none). |
condtype | A condition type: "Location", "Property", "Data", or "SQL". |
qrycond | A condition expression. Depends on the condition type. See Condition Expressions below. |
endgroups | For grouping this condition with others in the query definition you are building. Use one or more close parentheses as needed, or "" (none). For example, "))". |
A query definition is composed of one or more conditions, each defined by a separate ade_qrydefine call. You can group conditions by supplying parentheses or empty strings to the bggroups or endgroups parameters as needed.
You must specify all six ade_qrydefine arguments.
Condition Expressions
The qrycond parameter requires a condition expression. Condition expressions are lists. What you include in the list depends on the condition type: Location, Property, Data, or SQL.
Location Expressions
Property Expressions
Data Expressions
SQL Expressions
You must release the resbuf.
The following sample creates a resbuf containing the query condition values, (objects classified as Ponds). ade_qrydefine() is called with all required parameters, the returned queryId is checked for ADE_NULLID and an appropriate message is displayed. Then it releases the resbuf, as required.
char* pszJoinOperator = ""; // none char* pszBgnCondGrouping = ""; // none char* pszNotOperator = ""; // none char* pszCondType = "Property"; char* pszEndCondGrouping = ""; // none struct resbuf* pQueryConditionRb = acutBuildList( RTLB, RTSTR, "feature", RTSTR, "=", RTSTR, "Pond", RTLE, 0 ); ade_id queryId = ade_qrydefine( pszJoinOperator, pszBgnCondGrouping, pszNotOperator, pszCondType, pQueryConditionRb, pszEndCondGrouping); if (queryId != ADE_NULLID) { acutPrintf( "\nA %s query has been defined." , pszCondType); } else { acutPrintf( "\nA %s query was not defined." , pszCondType); } acutRelRb(pQueryConditionRb);