
Land Desktop Development ARX CPP SDK

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Sets an AutoCAD Map option.



char* variable,

struct resbuf* value);

Returns RTNORM or an error code.

variable Option name.
value Value appropriate for the given option (type varies).

See ade_prefgetval for a list of option names and values.

The following example sets "ColorForAdd" to "red".

ade_prefsetval ("ColorForAdd", rb);

The argument rb points to a resbuf structure containing

rb->resval.rstring = "red"

You can create a new resbuf structure with ads_newrb().

The following sample creates a resbuf containing the updated option value. ade_prefsetval() is called with all required parameters, the returned result code is checked for RTNORM and displayed. Then it releases the resbuf, as required.

char* pszOptionVar = "LogFileName";
struct resbuf* pSetPrefValRb = acutBuildList(RTSTR, "ade.log", 0);
int nResultCode = ade_prefsetval(pszOptionVar, pSetPrefValRb);
if (RTNORM == nResultCode) {
        "\nThe %s option variable has been successfully modified to: %s"
        , pszOptionVar, pSetPrefValRb->resval.rstring);
else {
        "\nThe specified options variable has not been modified.");