
Land Desktop Development ARX CPP SDK

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Gets a table definition.

struct resbuf*


char* table);

Returns a table definition or NULL.

table Table name can be up to 25 characters long. Must be unique, contain no spaces, and start with an alphanumeric character.

You must release the resbuf.

The table definition returned by ade_odtabledefn has the same format as the tab_defn argument in ade_oddefinetab. The entry for this function has source code examples.

The following sample populates a resbuf with object data table schema information using ade_odtabledefn(). The contents of the resbuf are displayed and the resbuf is released as required.

char* pszOdTable = "rirds";
struct resbuf* pOdTableDefRb = ade_odtabledefn(pszOdTable);
if(NULL != pOdTableDefRb) {
            "\nThe following information was obtained about the \"%s\" table:"
            , pszOdTable);
    struct resbuf* rb = pOdTableDefRb;
    while(NULL != rb) {
        if (rb->restype == RTSTR) {
                    , rb->resval.rstring);
        rb = rb->rbnext;