
Land Desktop Development ARX CPP SDK

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Unlocks a set of objects and removes them from the save set.



ads_name sel_set);

Returns the number of objects unlocked. If for some reason the selection set is freed prior to the call to ade_editunlockobjs(), the number of number of objects unlocked is returned as 0.0.

sel_set The name of the selection set.

The function unlocks the objects in the specified selection set. If the selection set is ADE_REALFAIL, the function unlocks all erased objects. Unlocking objects removes them from the save set.

The following sample is a continuation of the ade_editlockobjs sample.

ads_real objsRemovedFromSaveSet = ade_editunlockobjs(ssObjsForSaveSet);
if (filteredEntitySelectionLength == objsRemovedFromSaveSet) {
        "\nThe number of selected entities, (%d)"
        " matches the number removed from the save set."
        , filteredEntitySelectionLength);
else {
        "\nThe number of selected entities, (%d)"
        "does not match the number removed from the save set, (%d)."
        , filteredEntitySelectionLength, objsRemovedFromSaveSet);
int resultCode = acedSSFree(ssObjsForSaveSet);