
Land Desktop Development ARX CPP SDK

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Sets a drawing setting value.



ade_id dwg_id,

struct resbuf* proplist);

Returns ADE_TRUE if the drawing is active or ADE_FALSE.

dwg_id Drawing ID.
proplist List composed of a setting name and a value. See Setting Names below.
Setting Names
Setting name Value
dwgname Drawing name; a full path name, such as c:\\drawings\\mydwg.dwg.
dwgdesc Drawing description.
t_scale Simple transform scale.
For example, 1.2 = 120%
t_rotate Simple transform rotation; rotation direction depends on the AutoCAD ANGDIR setting.
t_xoffset Simple transform X offset.
t_yoffset Simple transform Y offset.
t_apply Flag value. Values can be:
1 = apply all simple transformations defined for the given drawing
0 = do not apply transformations
saveback Save back coordinates, a sequence of corner points, in this order: lower left, lower right, upper right, upper left, separated by "."

The following sample gets a drawing ID from an attached drawing using ade_dwggetid(). This ID and the resbuf containing the setting name/value pair are used by ade_dwgsetsetting() which returns a status code whose associated message is displayed. Then it releases the resbuf, as required.

ade_id dwgId = ade_dwggetid (pszDwgPathName);
struct resbuf* pDwgSettingsRb = ads_buildlist
                                        RTSTR, "dwgdesc",
                                        RTSTR, "This is a drawing description",
returnCode = ade_dwgsetsetting(dwgId, pDwgSettingsRb);
if (RTNORM == returnCode) {
        "\nThe value has been successfully set for %s"
else {
        "\nThe value could not be set.");