
Land Desktop Development ARX CPP SDK

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Displays the Select Drawings dialog box.

struct resbuf*


void* pParent,

const char* pCaption);

Returns a resbuf list or NULL.

pParent A value defining the pointer to the Select Drawings dialog box parent window, which is expected to be represented by a CWnd object. 0 means that the parent window is not defined.
pCaption Text that is shown before the current directory in the caption of the Select Drawings dialog box.

You must release the resbuf.

The following sample polulates a resbuf based on the files selected using ade_dwgselectdlg(). The contents of the resbuf are displayed and then released as required.

void* pParentCWnd = 0;
const char* pszDlgCaption = "Dialog Caption";
struct resbuf* pSelectedDwgsRb = ade_dwgselectdlg(pParentCWnd, pszDlgCaption);
if (NULL != pSelectedDwgsRb){
        "\nThe following files were selected: ");
    struct resbuf* rb = pSelectedDwgsRb;
    while(NULL != rb) {
        , rb->resval.rstring);
        rb = rb->rbnext;
else {
        "\nNo files were selected.");