Coordinate Transformation Functions

Land Desktop Development ARX CPP SDK

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Coordinate Transformation Functions

The coordinate transformation functions begin with ade_proj.

ade_projentitybackward Transforms an entity from the destination coordinate system to the source coordinate system.
ade_projentityforward Transforms an entity from the source coordinate system to the destination coordinate system.
ade_projgetctgyname Identifies the category that a coordinate system belongs to.
ade_projgetinfo Gets information about a projection system.
ade_projgetwscode Gets the project drawing's coordinate system code.
ade_projlistctgy Lists available coordinate system categories.
ade_projlistcrdsysts Lists available coordinate systems in a given category.
ade_projptbackward Computes new coordinates for a source point.
ade_projptforward Computes new coordinates for a destination point.
ade_projsetdest Sets the destination coordinate system.
ade_projsetsrc Sets the source coordinate system.
ade_projsetwscode Sets the project drawing's coordinate system.
ade_projwsgeodistance Measures the geodetic distance between two points.