AcMapQuery::Execute Function 3 of 3

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AcMapQuery:: Execute Function 3 of 3

Executes query against the given topology.

virtual AcMap::EErrCode


AcDbObjectIdArray& resultIds,

AcArray<AcDbObjectIdArray* >& resultEntityIdsPerTopoElement,

AcArray<long>& resultTopoElementIds,

const char* pszTopoName) = 0;

Returns AcMap::kOk in case of success, AcMap::kErrUsrBreak if the user cancels the process, or another error code.

resultIds Output selection of entities in the current drawing that meet the query conditions.
resultEntityIdsPerTopoElement Output array of *AcDbObjectIdArrays for each member of resultTopoElementIds. These are parallel arrays. The AcDbObjectArray pointers are allocated by this object and will be cleaned up in the destructor.
resultTopoElementIds Output selection of topology elements in the current drawing that meet the query conditions.
pszTopoName Input the topology name. The topology has to be loaded.

The result is a selection of objects in the current drawing. If an object has already been queried, it is not cloned. It is just added to the selection.