AcMapProject::CreatePropertyAlterationDefinition Function 2 of 2

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AcMapProject:: CreatePropertyAlterationDefinition Function 2 of 2

Allocates new AcMapPropertyAlteration object.

virtual AcMap::EErrCode


AcMapPropertyAlteration*& pAlteration,

AcMap::EAlterationType kType) const;

Returns AcMap::kOk in case of success, error code otherwise.

pAlteration Output new AcMapPropertyAlteration object. It is application’s responsibility to erase it.
kType Input the type of object allocated by this method, where
    AcMap::kAlterationTextEntity = AcMapTextAlteration object
    AcMap::kAlterationHatch = AcMapHatchAlteration object
    AcMap::kAlterationAnnotate = AcMapAnnotAlteration object
    Other kType arguments = AcMapPropertyAlteration object.

This object represents a stand alone property alteration. An application is responsible for removing the object allocated via this method calling Erase().

NOTE  AcMap::kAlterationText does not get you an AcMapTextAlteration object! The only correct kType for AcMapTextAlteration objects is AcMap::kAlterationTextEntity. When this method creates AcMapTextAlteration or AcMapHatchAlteration objects, it uses default values for their parameters.

Unlike similar methods, this method always allocates a new pObj object, which the application is responsible for deleting.