Allocates new AcMapPropertyAlteration object.
virtual AcMap::EErrCode
AcMapPropertyAlteration*& pAlteration,
AcMap::EAlterationType kType) const;
Returns AcMap::kOk in case of success, error code otherwise.
pAlteration | Output new AcMapPropertyAlteration object. It is application’s responsibility to erase it. |
kType | Input the type of object allocated by this method, where AcMap::kAlterationTextEntity = AcMapTextAlteration object AcMap::kAlterationHatch = AcMapHatchAlteration object AcMap::kAlterationAnnotate = AcMapAnnotAlteration object Other kType arguments = AcMapPropertyAlteration object. |
This object represents a stand alone property alteration. An application is responsible for removing the object allocated via this method calling Erase().
NOTE AcMap::kAlterationText does not get you an AcMapTextAlteration object! The only correct kType for AcMapTextAlteration objects is AcMap::kAlterationTextEntity. When this method creates AcMapTextAlteration or AcMapHatchAlteration objects, it uses default values for their parameters.
Unlike similar methods, this method always allocates a new pObj object, which the application is responsible for deleting.