AcMapOSEProject::FilterQueriedObjects function

Land Desktop Development ARX CPP SDK



Given a selection set of drawing objects, compiles lists of which are queried (and of a certain feature type, or types, and EditSet status), and which are not.



const std::vector<_string class="calibre8"> & vFeatures,

const AcDbObjectIdArray & arrInput,

AcDbObjectIdArray & arrErased,

AcDbObjectIdArray & arrModified,

AcDbObjectIdArray & arrUnchanged,

AcDbObjectIdArray & arrFilteredOut,

int nOptions);

Returns true if successful.

vFeatures Input list of feature types. The output lists, arrErased, arrModified, and arrUnchanged, will include objects of these feature types only. If the vFeatures list is empty, the output list will include objects without regard to feature type.
arrInput Input selection set of drawing objects to filter. If the arrInput list is empty, the selection set includes all objects in the drawing.
arrErased Output list of arrInput objects that are queried and erased, and of vFeatures feature type(s) and nOptions edit-set status.
arrModified Output list of arrInput objects that are queried and modified, and of vFeatures feature type(s) and nOptions edit-set status.
arrUnchanged Output list of arrInput objects that are queried and unchanged, and of vFeatures feature type(s) and nOptions edit-set status.
arrFilteredOut Output list of arrInput objects not included in arrErased, arrModified, or arrUnchanged.
nOptions Input edit-set status options, a bitwise OR combination of AcMapOSEProject::EProjectOptions enumerators expressing whether output lists should include only objects in the EditSet, only objects not in the EditSet, or both.

Objects in the project drawing are considered queried if they are in the project's Oracle database. Objects in this user's EditSet are locked for other users. Objects not in this user's EditSet are unlocked for other users.

For information about edit-set status options ("project options"), see AcMapOSEProject::EProjectOptions enumeration.