AcMapUtilities:: CreateCentroids Function
Creates centroid blocks inside a set of closed polylines or mpolygons.
AcMap::EErrCode CreateCentroids( AcDbObjectIdArray& aCentroidIds, AcDbObjectIdArray& aClosedPolyIds, const ACHAR* pszLayerName, const ACHAR* pszBlockName );
Parameters |
Description |
aCentroidIds |
Output array that contains the identifiers of all the created centroids. |
aClosedPolyIds |
Input array that contains the identifiers of the closed polylines or mpolygons. |
pszLayerName |
Input name of the layer to create the centroids on. |
pszBlockName |
Input name of block to use for the created centroids. |
Returns AcMap::kOk if successful. Returns AcMap::kErrBadInput if the named block does not exist. Returns AcMap::kErr if the process failed for some other reason.
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