AcMapTopology::MergePolygons Method

Land Desktop Development ARX CPP SDK

AcMapTopology:: MergePolygons Method

Merges two neighboring polygons, dissolving the boundaries between them.

AcMap::EErrCode MergePolygons(
    long lPolygonId1, 
    long lPolygonId2
Input ID of the first polygon to merge.  
Input ID of the second polygon to merge.  

Returns AcMap::EErrCode kOk if successful; otherwise, returns a different error code.


After a merge succeeds, the object reference lPolygonId1 becomes invalid; the caller is responsible for retrieving the new polygon reference from the polygon object with ID lPolygonId1. The object reference lPolygonId2 also becomes invalid and the caller is responsible for freeing the object referenced by lPolygonId2.

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