AcMapTopology::FindTopologyObject Method

Land Desktop Development ARX CPP SDK

AcMapTopology:: FindTopologyObject Method

Finds the object (node, full edge, or polygon) nearest a specified point within a specified tolerance.

AcMap::EErrCode FindTopologyObject(
    AcMapTopoElement*& pElement, 
    const AcGePoint3d& point, 
    double dTolerance
Output closest AcMapTopoElementobject. This value points to a copy of the node, full edge, or polygon referenced by the found object. The caller is responsible for freeing this object.  
Input point.  
Input tolerance.  

Returns AcMap::EErrCode kOk if successful; otherwise, returns a different error code.


If a node is within tolerance, then it is returned. Otherwise, if an edge is within tolerance, then it is returned. Otherwise, the smallest enclosing polygon is returned. If no objects are within tolerance, NULL is returned.

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