AcMapMbTileSet::AcMapTreeNode Class

Land Desktop Development ARX CPP SDK

AcMapMbTileSet:: AcMapTreeNode Class

Class AcMapTreeNode models the most general structure for an organization of tiles.

class AcMapTreeNode;



It resembles a directory struture. Every node contains either a tile or a child. The root node contains only a child. Thus a node may be thought of as either a container or a tile. The current organizations are either a 2 dimensional grid, or a sequence of tiles. For a grid, the root node contains one child, this child has siblings for each row in the grid, or each column in the grid, depending on what the user asked for. If the user asked for Row, Column then each sibling is a row container, that is each sibling has no tiles but has a child. The siblings of that child correspond to the columns, and each one has a tile pointer but no children. For a sequence, the root node contains one child. The child and all its siblings contain tiles. If the naming scheme is numeric, then its appropriate to ask for the sequence. If alphabetic, then its more appropriate to ask for an alphabetized list.

Destroys an instance of this class. 
Constructs an instance of this class. 
Sets a child for this node. 
Sets a sibling for this node. 
Returns the child of this node. 
Returns the const child of this node. 
Returns the const sibling of this node. 
Returns the const tile of this node. 
Sets the Node name. 
Sets a node name. 
Sets a sibling for this node. 
Sets the tile for this node. 
Returns the sibling of this node. 
Returns the tile of this node. 
Returns the owner tile set of this node. 
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