AcMapMbMapSheetTemplate::GetArrowDirection Method

Land Desktop Development ARX CPP SDK

AcMapMbMapSheetTemplate:: GetArrowDirection Method

Gets adjacency direction from the adjacent arrow placeholder.

static Acad::ErrorStatus GetArrowDirection(
    AcMapMbMapBookManager::EAdjacentTile& adjDirection, 
    const AcDbObjectId& objectId
Output adjacency direction.  
Input Id of the adjacent arrow placeholder that is an insert with the attribute. The value of the attribute should be one of the following nonlocalizible strings "TOP" "TOPRIGHT" "RIGHT" "BOTTOMRIGHT" "BOTTOM" "BOTTOMLEFT" "LEFT" "TOPLEFT"  

Returns Acad::eOk if successful; Acad::eWrongObjectType in the case the Id is not Id of an adjacent arrow placeholder; Acad::eKeyNotFound if attribute value does not correspond to any of the values above; otherwise, returns a different error code.

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