AcMapIEImporter::InputLayerIterator Method

Land Desktop Development ARX CPP SDK

AcMapIEImporter:: InputLayerIterator Method

Retrieves an iterator over the input layers. An input layer refers to a single MIF/MID or Shape file, a level or geometry type in a DGN file, or a geometry type in a Coverage or E00 file. A layer consists of a layer name and a schema for attribute data. You are responsible for determining how this data is imported; for more information, see the AcMapIEInputLayer and AcMapIEColumnclasses.

virtual AcMapIE::ErrCode InputLayerIterator(
    AcMapIEInputLayerIterator*& pInputLayers
) = 0;
Output AcMapIEInputLayerIteratoriterator over the input layers. The caller is responsible for deleting this object.  

Returns AcMapIE::ErrCode kErr_OK if successful. Returns AcMapIE::ErrCode kErr_Fail if no data was found. Returns AcMapIE::ErrCode kErr_Fail if the process failed for some other reason.

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