AcMapClassificationManager::Classify Method

Land Desktop Development ARX CPP SDK

AcMapClassificationManager:: Classify Method

Classifies an entity with a feature class name.

AcMapObjClass::EErrCode Classify(
    AcDbObjectId& entId, 
    const ACHAR* pszClassName, 
    bool bIncludeNonConforming, 
    bool bClassifyEvenIfAlreadyClassified
Input ID of the entity to classify.  
Input name of the feature class.  
Input true to include entities with missing or out-of-range properties, or false to include only conforming properties.  
Input true to replace the current classification if the entity is already classified, or false to prevent reclassification.  

Returns AcMapObjClass::EErrCode eOk if successful. Returns AcMapObjClass::EErrCode eNoSchemaFileAttached if no feature-definition file is attached to the current drawing. Returns AcMapObjClass::EErrCode eClassNameInvalid if the class name is invalid. Returns AcMapObjClass::EErrCode eClassNameTooLong if the class name is too long. Returns AcMapObjClass::EErrCode eClassNotFound if the class is not in the feature-definition file. Returns AcMapObjClass::EErrCode eBaseClassOnly if the class is a strict base class that cannot be used for classification. Returns AcMapObjClass::EErrCode eUnsupportedEntityType if the feature class does not support the specified entity type. Returns AcMapObjClass::EErrCode eAlreadyClassified if the entity is already classified, preventing reclassification. Returns AcMapObjClass::EErrCode eOutOfRange if at least one property value is out of range. Returns AcMapObjClass::EErrCode eMissingProperty if the entity is missing at least one property. Returns AcMapObjClass::EErrCode eFailed if the process failed for some other reason.


Classifying entities does not trigger internal transactions.

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