AcMapAnnotationManager::InsertAnnotationReference Function

Land Desktop Development ARX CPP SDK

AcMapAnnotationManager:: InsertAnnotationReference Function

Attaches an annotation reference to an associated entity.

Acad::ErrorStatus InsertAnnotationReference(
    AcDbObjectId& newBlockReferenceId, 
    AcDbObjectId templateOrBlockId, 
    const AcDbObjectId assocEnt, 
    const AnnotationOverrides & overrides


Input/Output object ID of the newly created annotation reference. If newBlockReferenceId is AcDbObjectId::kNull, then a new annotation reference is created. If not, then the AcDbBlockReference whose Object ID is newBlockReferenceID is reused.  
Input object ID of an annotation template's block table record or a regular AutoCAD block table record to attach.  
Input object ID of the entity to which the reference will be attached.  
Input AnnotationOverridesstruct containing the static-property and expression-string overrides to be used when creating the new annotation reference. In the AnnotationOverrides structure, pass a NULL for each individual property that you do not want to override; instead, these property values will be computed from the template's corresponding expression or static property.  

Returns Acad::eOk if successful; otherwise, returns an error code.


This function takes a template or block table record ID and an associated entity object ID. The new block reference object ID is an output parameter. The static-property and expression-string overrides of the input structure are used to create the new annotation reference (unless a NULL prevents an override).

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