AcDbBasicFilter::FilterObjects Method

Land Desktop Development ARX CPP SDK

AcDbBasicFilter:: FilterObjects Method

Filters objects on the current drawing based on the layer, feature-class, and block criteria. 

A filtering criterion can take the following values: "*" - (Default) Filters all entities that reside on layers with normal layer status. Unless SetLayerStatusMask()has been called with specific layer mask settings, all objects on layers which are not frozen, off, or locked are considered in the filtering process. "" (empty string) - Indicates that a particular filter is to be ignored during the filtering process. NULL - Indicates that particular filtered entities are to be excluded from the filtered set. A name - The name of a single entity. "Layer1", for example. Multiple names - A list of comma-separated entity names. "Block1,Block2", for example. Wildcards - "?" matches any single character and "*" matches zero of more characters. "Feature?" and "Feature-*", for example. .

virtual Acad::ErrorStatus FilterObjects(
    AcDbObjectIdArray& outputIds, 
    const AcDbObjectIdArray& inputIds
) const;
Output array of the IDs of the objects that met the criteria and were filtered. You are responsible for checking the length of this array; a valid filter combination can return no filtered objects.  
Input array of the IDs of the candidate objects to inspect for matching filter criteria.  

Returns Acad::ErrorStatus eOk if successful. Returns Acad::ErrorStatus eInvalidInput if the filter fails.

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