Glossary Item Box
The correspondence node
- Sent
- Received
- All
New data entry
- Add
- Scan
- Store file
- Write letter
Right click on the grid and select add from the context menu to add a new correspondence. A new form will be displayed to you where you can add the correspondence.
Select the correspondence type from the drop down. Add the subject and notes if required and click on save. The new correspondence will be added to the grid.
Select scan to scan a document into correspondence. Click on the link.
Store File
You can store files for a patient with the help of the store file menu.
After you click on store file, you will have to select the file to store from the file browser which is displayed.
Double click the file you want to store.
After you have selected your file, then enter
1. a name
2. Subject type
3. Date
Click Ok button when you are done.
The file will be stored on the server.
Ensure the GP Service is running. If GP Service is not running then you will not be able to store files.
Editing a Correspondence
To edit a correspondence, right click on the record you want to edit. This will display the correspondence form where you can make changes. If the record is a file which you have stored then double clicking will open the file.
Editing the subject of a Correspondence
The edit subject menu will be enabled only for records which are type of a file.
Deleting a Correspondence
Select delete from the context menu to delete the correspondence. The software will ask for confirmation before deleting the correspondence. If the correspondence is type of a file then the file will be deleted from the server.
Write Letter
On the main menu Go to Resources > Letter writer or click on Letter Writer in Correspondence.
Here you can create letters or create templates by dragging and dropping fields from the Template field.
To create a letter template, select File> New > Blank Template
After completing the template go to File > Save as Template
A grid will be displayed to you with the list of templates present in the system.
Type in a name for your template and click on save.
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