

Glossary Item Box

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 On the Main Menu go to Administration>Settings>Appointment Preferences

The legend screen has tabs for Preferences and Type.
Preferences displays the various icons and colors in the system.
These icons and colors are associated with the appointment screen and can be reset from this form.
Practice work hours can be set.
The Appointment status grid enables users to create and edit an appointment status.

Only administrators are allowed to make any changes to the values.


The administrators can change the icons settings.

You can change the appearance of temporary appointments. Please click on the back color and fore color button to change the color of the temporary appointments on the appointment screen.

The staff roster color can be changed with the help of the change button located next to the staff roster color.

You can set the practice working hours. The appointment screen will be grayed out accordingly.

The grid contains the list of appointment statuses.
The records marked in blue are the system statuses and cannot be deleted.
You cannot change the description of the system statuses but you can change their name and color.
You can also add your own statuses which will then be available from the appointment context menu for you to select.
Billed, receipted and partially receipted statuses cannot be selected from the appointment context menu as these status are updated automatically.

Any statuses that you create can be deleted.
To delete a status which is not system defined, tick the deleted check box of that record and save your changes.
The deleted status will be then be removed from the appointment context menu. 


Any changes are system wide.

Appointment: Appointment Right click Menu Options



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