Glossary Item Box
The immunisations screen displays the list of vaccines allocated for a patient. This screen might also contain an immunisation plan.
The diagram below shows a patient immunisation screen without a plan.
Adding a Vaccine
To add a vaccine for the patient, right click on the grid and select add other from the context menu. The vaccination form will now be displayed on the screen.
Select a vaccine from the drop down, make changes as necessary and click on save. The vaccine will be added to the list of patient immunisations.
Adding a Plan
To add a care plan for a patient, right click on the field and select add plan. Care plans are available only for infants depending on their age. A form is displayed to you from where you can select the vaccination plan.
The immunisation screen with a care plan included will look like the screen below.
Editing a Vaccine
You can edit any vaccine as long as its status is not completed. As soon as the vaccine status is updated to be completed, then only the user who has added the vaccine or a system administrator can edit its details.
Deleting a Vaccine
Only the system administrators can delete a vaccine. If a vaccine is part of a care plan and the administrator deletes that vaccine, then the whole care plan will be deleted. The system will ask for confirmation before deleting any vaccine. To delete a vaccine, right click on the record and select delete.
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